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WATCH: Dukwana uses racist remarks to defend R5m spent on SOPA

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – In what is becoming a pattern for Mxolisi Dukwana, Free State Province Premier, his pulling the race card has most asking if Dukwana is pulling away from his party’s non-racialism.

This is after his second State of The Province Address held in Maluti-A-Phofung where for years, residents have been living without water and electricity, the cost of the SOPA footed by the taxpayers is estimated to be R5 million, and to the shock of many in the province, particularly the Democratic Alliance (DA).

Maluti-A-Phofung was under the ANC-led government till it was ousted by MAP 16 in by-elections after the ANC expelled 16 councilors who voted its Executive Mayor out.

In the 2021 local government elections, the coalition government pushed the ANC into opposition benches till last year when the same coalition collapsed and the ANC came to power.

Many in Maluti-A-Phofung say life under apartheid was better and post-1994, everything collapsed, even the apartheid infrastructure including colleges of education, roads, and health facilities to name a few.

Dukwana, off ramped by what seemed like an attack on whites by blaming high levels of unemployment.


He then spoke of abuse of overtime which is allegedly why City Hall was burnt down and much to DA’s Roy Jankelsohn chanting “R5 million SOPA.”

Dukwana asked God to remove what he called “moleko” or temptation, it’s not clear what he meant by that.


In these two incidents, the cheerleaders clapped hands as always yet in their departments they have white people including the ANC itself which begs the question if the ANC is pushing whites out as this is not the first time Dukwana pulled this.

Last year he did albeit on a lighter scale while addressing staff and SARC and white employees walked out.

Some comrades in the ANC allege his tenure as MEC for Education was short-lived after the late Premier, Dr Ivy Matsepe-Cassaburi axed over College Square yet he claimed it was because he was fighting Afrikaaners.

Dr Roy Jankielson, leader of the Democratic Alliance in Free State said Dukwana made this about black and white.

“R5 million spent on SOPA could rather have been spent on the people of QwaQwa instead of on a lavish event for an elite group of people.

When we criticised him for this he made it a black and white issue which is the ANC’s tactic when their critics are white, and when the critics are black they ridicule them.“

Any vote counts black, white, brown, and purple that’s if the ANC wants to at least keep the 19 seats in the legislature otherwise it will be in the opposition benches like in other Metros.

In other news, the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality will today unleash red ants at land invaders next to Windmill Casino following the land grabbing last week.

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