The Free State EXCO meeting that was held on Wednesday turned into a looting meeting when the cabinet members accused HoDs of being stubborn.
This is after the Free State Premier, Hon Sefora Ntombela, allegedly raised her concerns about lack of urgency with regards to the sanitary pads tender in which she allegedly wanted certain companies to be appointed without due processes followed, when that failed the HoDs were kicked out and MECs held the meeting in private.
According to a source who spoke on condition of anonymity it was Kopung Ralikontsane of all people who led the charge.
“It was very strange that the same Ralikontsane who was telling HoDs to not bow under pressure during SOPA EXCO that if they do wrong things they will be the ones arrested not political heads.
DG is supposed to be supporting HoDs, not Political Heads.”
Our source said the targets were Enerst Mohlahlo, Public Works HoD, and Advocate Tsoarelo Malakoane, Education HoD.
“Remember the article you published a few weeks ago about four departments with huge budgets? It’s all about that.
Mohlahlo is seen as a very stubborn person and is frustrating those who want to loot.
The other thing is the land they want for student accommodation and if Mohlahlo signs it off he will be arrested as the accounting officer.”
With regards to Mohlahlo, he concluded.
“We ended up discussing the suspended SCM Director at Public Works who was suspended for R27 million litigation and it was shocking when EXCO discussed this and that he returns to work, investigate this further.
Do you know see why they want Mohlahlo to move to Social Development?”
The other hot potato that was discussed according to our source is the sanitary pads tender and the target was Adv Malakoane.
“The Premier promised certain companies that tender and Adv said they will put it out on tender and that was met with hostility.
Even Tate Makgoe, Department of Education MEC supported Ralikontsane even went as far as telling the EXCO that the HoDs don’t listen to them. I am not sure what he meant by that.”
Last week we reported how PSC found Free State Education’s appointment of Zoleka Msibi to be irregular and if the math labs saga we reported on is anything to go I would not listen to them either because orange overalls is where I will end.
Three vacant HoD positions have been having actors for months if not years and this explains why certain appointments are made.
By the way Zola Thamae’s acting is ending today but Premier will affirm her permanent apppointnent. Yeah you read that right, Sefora Ntombela will today affirm Zola Thamae as HoD for SACR. Wonders never end.
It would be interesting to see the score sheets of all HOD interviews and there are MECs who are most of the times in the panel. We will reveal their names soon.
Do you remember what Ntombela said last year? She said vacant positions will be filled by women capacity of not. That’s what she said.
But what can you expect from the only Premier whose daughter is a Deputy Director at DESTEA with matric only while daughter-in-law has been acting as Chief Director for a period longer what’s prescribed.
Imagine a new Premier asking the court to set aside certain decisions or appointments like we have seen with PRASA and the court granting that order.
Out of the problems this province is facing, like the 94 senior managers without minimum requirements and service delivery, the EXCO decided to discuss LOOTING.
Forget about these jobs, has EXCO discussed the Macufe saga or expressed a view? They won’t.
DG Ralikontsane and Premier Ntombela could not be reached for their comment.
This is a developing story.
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