Following the disruptions and heckling of Mxolisi Dukwana, Free State IPC Convenor by members of the ruling party during the meeting at Dr. Molemela Stadium on Thursday, new details show the ANC leaders in the province threw Dukwana into the wolves.
Dukwana was heckled and objects were thrown at him by members of his party while singing “wenzeni uAce” what did Ace do?
Step UP SA News is in possession of leaked WhatsApp texts purported to be from Toto Makume according to sources in the IPC.
According to sources Makume was ignored after he sent these texts to IPC members.
“Most of us knew there was a possibility of heckling as it happened when Botshabelo branches marched and demanded IPC be disbanded.
We know who the instigators are and they are working with some NEC members of the RETs.”
Below is the text allegedly from Makume
“Cdes good afternoon
This meeting is planned to take place tomorrow with the WTTs/BECs, can the PSO take us into confidence about logistics
Are we going to transport the BECs/WTTs if not, how are we expecting them to come to that meeting of them?
Now that the organizing is coming here to stay, why are we not asking the regions to call those meetings in their respective regions?
We are having areas where their parallel structures were alleged to have been created by some of the IPC, I would therefore like to know how are we going to navigate that situation tomorrow.
I, therefore, suggest the following without really undermining the PSO:
-that we call off the meeting with the BECs/WTTs for tomorrow and allow the regions to call such meetings in their respective regions from Monday
-that tomorrow we continue with our meeting with the regions (IRC)
I am raising this because of the logistical mayhem we may experience which may lead to chaos n unnecessary infighting between the admin n those who will try to get an entry by force due to what I have explained about the parallel situation in some of the areas
We must also bear in our minds that these structures are also preparing for the BBGMs
I will await the response n explanation from the PSO.”
Another source from IPC confirmed it was Makume who warned the leaders but they ignored him.
“No one responded to code To texts and when it finally happened we were left with eggs on our faces because we ignored one of our own.”
Another text from Makume warned of the blood bath.
“This is a planned bloodbath meeting tomorrow”
The IPC released a statement warning ill-disciplined members to focus.
In other news, some branches of Lejweleputswa have pronounced Sefora Ntombela as their preferred candidate for Provincial Chairperson.
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