Step Up SA

Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa

Health Department to take STEPUPSANEWS to court over MEC’s partner article 

Staff reporter 

Bloemfontein – The Department of Health in Free State will be taking this publication to court over the article about Lizzie Setlai, MEC Viceroy Mahlatsi’s partner. 

This is according to Mondli Mvambi, spokesperson for the department. 

Mvambi said this in the government communications WhatsApp group (CCCU) after he shared the article. 

According to the leaked WhatsApp texts, the department will: 

– challenge them in public discourse

– litigate 

Mvambi went further to say they must not be seen as draconian.

“We must not be seen as draconian against the media that “exposes” our state abuse of power and corruption.” 

Seven days ago, Mvambi was afforded a right of reply to the article we published, his response was:

“I have seen your follow up questions and I have to check the fact bearers. I will engage with you later.”

To date, Mvambi has never said a word. 

Set of new questions were sent to him on Tuesday with a deadline of 16h30, Friday, his responses:

“Acknowledged my brother 😰“

In January 2024, we sent questions to Mvambi and this was his response:

“My brother, I know you have deadlines to meet but I need to request for an extension for Wednesday as I’m engaging my bosses on their decision not to respond to media enquiries. It’s taking longer than I had expected hence my request for an extension”

The response never came and the article was published. 

On the 20 June 2023, we asked Mvambi about the pending transfer of Phillip Radebe, to which Mvambi said there is no such. 

A month later Philip Radebe was transferred. 

On the 26 June 2023, we asked Mvambi about the pending disciplinary proceedings of  of Dr Noge, and this was Mvambi’s response on the 27 June 2024. 

“Mohlomphehi, I’ve been trying to call you to no avail. Please give me time until tomorrow as I have not had a chance to speak to my principals and get the details of your enquiry”

Two days later, on the 29 June 23, he pleaded. 

“I can’t get hold of the Director for Labour Relations for him to guide us on the Labour Relations considerations in handling of the case of alleged sexual harassment at Bongani. As it is, we can’t comment on the matter as it may likely be prejudicial to the parties involved. 

This time of the year is a bit tricky because people take leave to complete their end of year leave cycle before they can loose these days.“

On the 4 July 2023, a reminder was sent and his response was:

“Good Morning Sir. I will attend to the enquiry.”

A day later, he said. 

“Mohlomphehi, I’m waiting on my Principals to give go ahead on the response to your enquiry.”

He asked for more time only to drop the bomb.

“Please give me more time to get them to respond.”

“The Department has decided not to respond to your media enquiry.”

This is just to show the kind of government spokespersons has. 

What is becoming clear is spokespersons would rather conceal the truth than be honest sbd transparent. 

Leaks happen everywhere including in the cabinet of ministers. 

When we published a story about Fezi Ngubentombi Hospital all was all thumbs up.

We published three articles about Albert Nzula hospital in Trompsburg, Mvambi responded. 

Another article about Albert Nzula.

We will not be deterred by any legal proceedings by Department of Gealth as we are going to zoom closer into MEC Mahlatsi. 

In few days we will share our PayPal donation link that will help us continue do the work we do. 

If you have news or tips please email or WhatsApp 0685000246