Staff reporter
Centurion – The quality of education is South Africa remains a sticky point regardless of where one comes from.
Over the years, provinces focused more on the number one spot but little emphasis was put on the pass rate of Maths and Science.
As always, Free State retained the number 1 spot with 91% pass rate, an improvement from 89%. The province started dominating from says when Ace Magashule was Premier.
They are followed by Kwazulu Natal, Gauteng, North West, and, Western Cape.
From 705 291 matriculants who sat for the final exams, only 47.8% candidates qualified for admission to Bachelors education, 26.8% for national diploma and 12.7% for higher education.
Kwazulu Natal achieved the highest number of bachelors passes with a whopping 84 480 followed by Gauteng with 66 979 and Eastern Cape with 45 662.
The number one province Free State second last 17 486.
While the argument may be the provinces with small numbers are unlikely to have more bachelors admissions, surely the smaller they are, the higher % in the overall performance but is that the case?
If province A has 10 matriculants and 9 pass, that’s 90% but if school B has 100 matriculations and 80 pass, that will be 80% because of numbers.
In the same length, a school with less matriculants is unlikely to produce higher bachelors than a school with more matriculants.
Johannesburg based, Roedean School’s matric class of 2024 has achieved a 100% bachelor’s pass rate, with more than half of the students scoring more than 80% and an average of 4.42 distinctions per student, now thats quality.
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