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FS mayor travels 6000 km monthly, government incurs exorbitant loss

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The Executive Mayor of Letsemeng Local Municipality, Bonolo Mocwaledi, is under fire for residing in Bloemfontein, approximately 122-141.6 kilometers away from Koffiefontein, and commuting daily using a state vehicle.

This arrangement allegedly costs the state around R15,000 per month in fuel expenses.

Critics accuse Mocwaledi of neglecting the plight of local residents, who face challenges such as limited access to basic services like running water, proper roads, and toilets.

The municipality has also failed to appoint key personnel, including a Municipal Manager, Chief Financial Officer, and Technical Director.

They claim that service delivery is at an all-time low and that the ANC-led municipality, under Mocwaledi’s leadership, has failed to address long-standing issues affecting residents.

The controversy surrounding Mocwaledi’s residency and commuting arrangement has sparked concerns about the misuse of state resources and the municipality’s priorities.

She resides in Bloemfontein’s affluent Northern suburbs and travels constantly between Bloemfontein and Koffiefontein using a luxurious state vehicle.

Mocwaledi spends at least 80 hours and drives over 6,000 kilometers per month in a state vehicle to her lavish residence.

It is estimated that the state spends close to R15,000 per month on fuel alone.

A source close to her office said that while Mocwaledi enjoys her luxurious lifestyle, locals continue to suffer in squalid conditions across the ailing municipality.

Another source, who chose to remain anonymous due to fear of reprisal, said the mayor has ignored the plight of informal settlement residents from Pencyville and White City in Petrusburg. These settlements were established in January 2020.

The two areas are located just across the N8 road, which Mocwaledi frequently uses to travel between Bloemfontein and Koffiefontein. According to the source, residents face daily hardships due to the lack of basic services such as running water.

“Both communities rely on Jojo tank water. There are no proper roads, and no toilets. Residents are forced to relieve themselves in the veld. There is no indication from the mayor as to when these issues will be resolved.

The mayor has served more than half of her term without addressing these challenges,” the source said.

It is also alleged that the municipality has yet to appoint a Municipal Manager, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Technical Director, Community Services Director (CSD), and Corporate Services Director.

“Everyone is acting in these positions. The Municipal Manager position has been vacant since November 2022,” the source added.

Democratic Alliance’s MPL, David Mackay asked MEC for Human Settlement and COGTA, Teboho “Sulky” Mokoena on the 31 July 2024:

Why is the Mayor of Letsemeng residing in Mangaung Municipality and pretending to reside with her mother in Petrusburg? What steps will be taken to prevent this from occurring? If no steps will be taken, why not?

In response said:

“The Mayor is a resident of Petrusburg, however, this matter will also be investigated.”

Mokoena confirmed the car used by Mocwalesi belongs to the municipality, it’s not rented.

“Currently the Mayor is using the Municipal vehicle(not rented)”

With local government slowly approaching,we will tap into municipalities and serivice delivery.

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