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Four out of five cars donated to ANC in Free State by Patrick Phuti missing

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The name Patrick “The Butcher” Phuti remains a thorn in the affairs of African National Congress (ANC), this time, it’s not about money spent on African National Congress Women’s League (ANCWL) conference or V300d but the party itself.

Following news that Advocate Navilla Somaru, Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) is applying her mind on to prosecute or not in the case opened Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) against Joyce Mathae, Free State Premier, new details have emerged.

STEPUPSANEWS has learnt Phuti has donated at least five cars to African National Congress in Free State.

Among the cars bought and donated by Phuti to ANC in Free State, it’s four Toyotas and one Nissan.

According to insiders at Kaizer Sebothelo the Nissan was branded “Mangaung Region” and used by same.

Pictures of one of the Toyotas branded with ANC colours were sent to us with registration number clearly visible.

A source with intimate knowledge said at least fours cars are missing and the whereabouts of the cars are not known.

“These cars came as donation and only one car is remaining, the other four cars are nowhere to be found.”

Another source said it’s sad that Phuti was treated like a stray dog despite all he did for the ANC.

“Patrick has done a lot for the party and the leadership individually and collectively, he does not deserve to be treated like a stray dog.”

Fingers were pointing at Thembeni Nxangisa, former MEC for COGTA Department of Agriculture and Rural Development as he was the organiser at the time.

In his response to whereabouts of the cars Nxangisa said he worked at the ANC as the organiser not administrator.

“I worked at the ANC as the organiser not administrator or asset manager, I would not be in the know how of assets of the ANC due to my responsibilities.

The ANC would be at best to respond to this issue. My job entailed mobalization and political work”

Asked if he ever took one of the cars for personal use Nxangisa said.

“I didn’t take ANC cars for my personal use.”

Taleng Mahloko who at the time of the donation allegedly worked with logistics and administration of assets didn’t respond to our questions.

Dr Roy Jankielson, leader of Democratic Alliance in Free State said everything ANC get their hands off goes missing.

“Everything that the ANC get their hands on goes missing which includes sound judgement, integrity and honesty.“

Jabu Mbalula, spokesperson for the ANC in Free State and Patrick Phuti didn’t respond to our questions.

We understand Patrick Phuti is not the only person to have donated cars to the ANC in Free State and so far, there is no link as to donations were about government jobs his company got.

This is a developing story.

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