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Admin Chaos as office of the Premier Free State has two CFOs and a friend of Acting DG appointed Acting Director: IT

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The Office of the Premier in Free State is again in the spot light, for administrative chaos.

Following the court ruling interdicting any actions against Kopung Ralikontsane, erstwhile Director General and other officials pending a legal challenge.

STEPUPSANEWS can confirm Sello Martins, who to this day is still a CFO has been replaced permanently while he is still occupying the position, meaning office of the Premier has two permanent CFOs.

This after Khopotso Moahlodi who was CFO at COGTA was transferred to Office of The Premier.

Moahlodi replaced Motete Tsunke who was acting as CFO and the sudden transfer of Moahlodi has caused discomfort as Tsunke only acted for 4 weeks and was due to receive acting allowance after 6 weeks.

She was introduced to staff last Monday.

According to sources with intimate knowledge the transfer of Moahlodi is both irregular and unlawful as the position is not vacant.

“This is unheard of, the transfer of Khopotso is both irregular and unlawful as Sello Martins is still the CFO.

If they wanted her so bad why couldn’t they do things properly and wait till Martins has moved to Treasury?

When Martins gets paid this month, he will be paid as CFO in the Office of the Premier, what about Khopotso?”

A leaked letter in position of this publication show Mohlamme Makhakhe has been appointed as Acting Director: Information Technology from 1 December 2024.

The acting letter is signed by Dr Solomon Phera who worked with Makhakhe in Northern Cape before they both joined Free State Provincial Government in May and October 2021, respectively.


It was Dr Phera who processed the move to FSPG as per leaked documents in our position.

Was the purpose of the transfer to finally appoint Makhakhe as Director?

Phera joined FSPG in May 2021, on the 16 August 2021, Makhakhe sent transfer request to Ralikontsane which was processed by Phera.


Makhakhe just woke up in the morning and sent a letter of Transfer to Ralikontsane and the vacant position happened to be in a directorate falling under Dr Phera who was a Chief Director.

Wait for it, after processing and approval, only then was the job description designed. This we have on paper.

The relationship between Phera and Makhakhe can easily be summoned as close acquaintances as Phera acknowledged Makhakhe in his PhD dissertation under friends and colleagues.


Why is the Director: IT vacant and what was Dr Phera’s role in it? Audio recording in our possession explains his role which will be published in due course.

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