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Another HOD drags Premier to court over unlawful transfer while Phuti hands evidence to Hawks

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The Free State High court will today hear an urgent application of interim interdict by yet another Head of Department.

The head of department at Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Takisi Masiteng is dragging Free State Premier, Joyce Mathae to court over unlawful transfer.

Fresh from bloody court case which almost cost her the Premiership, Mathae gave Dr Masiteng a letter on Monday, 21 October 2024 transferring him to Premier’s Office affectionately known as Lindela.

Lindela is a facility for holding undocumented migrates and in the context of Free State Provincial Government, any HOD sent to Lindela is turned to be redundancy while their successors who act pending the advertisement of the post are given enough time to gain experience to occupy the position permanently.

It’s not the first time Dr Masiteng and Mathae bump heads. Few days after Mathae replaced Mxolisi Dukwana, Dr Masiteng took her to task in a meeting after she told him he will be transferred.

Just like in the case of Mosa Masemene, head of department at Human Settlements, who challenged her failed transfer to Social Development, asked for reasons for what we now know as unlawful transfer, Dr Masiteng will require Mathae to provide such.

Much as it’s the prerogative of Premier to appoint and transfer, that prerogative must be in line with public service regulations.

  • Dr Takisi Masiteng must consent
  • The transfer must be in public interest

How does transferring the only HOD with not just qualification but Phd in Agriculture to Lindela in public interest?

It does not matter who replaces Dr Masiteng at Agriculture if they do not have a qualification in Agriculture it would be like replacing a heart surgeon with a dietician and expect it to perform heart transplant.

If the performance of ANC in the recent national elections does not scare Joyce, she must smell the coffee and no further than Botswana.

BDP lost power after 58 years simply because the electorate got tired of shenanigans and indeed, Jesus came back.

In other news, sources close to Patrick Phuti say he has now handed all the evidence to the Hawks.

This includes the farm he allegedly bought for one of the employees at Community Safety, Roads and Transport.

We asked Phuti to share tracker report of the 7 series and Benz V300d to see who was/were using the cars till he fetched them.

This is a developing story.

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