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Sulky Mokoena blows hot air over Egypt trip

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The 12 World Urban Forum held in Cairo, Egypt is showing a true character of Teboho Mokoena, Member of Executive Council for Human Settlements and COGTA.

Mokoena, who till recently has never occupied any senior government position that required academic qualifications, apart from politically linked jobs, is claiming to be in charge but in charge of what?

Following recent media articles around his trip to Egypt, Mokoena has, through his communication team at Human Settlements failed to address his alleged involvement in the sourcing of the quotation from Hambo Lwethu, a Midrand based travel agency.

A job, that by law, is solely the responsibility of Supply Chain Management has suddenly been hijacked by MEC.

Below is a quote in question with details of Mokoena and Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.


Mokoena took to Facebook and should his level of arrogance to his friends that he is leading the department and is in charge.

Last year, Mokoena allegedly took delegated powers from Dr Takisi Masiteng, head of department at DARD and signed off a payment that has now been reffered to HAWKS.

Let him be in charge, hopefully he won’t use the famous line of politicians “I didn’t sign any document”.

Following the leaks of what Mokoena confuse with classified documents, has since asked Joyce Mathae, the embattled Premier and law enforcement agencies to investigate leaks, more like blowing hot air.

Law enforcement agencies must investigate if Mokoena violated any PFMA and take him to task like Jackie Selebi and John Blok if any crime is committed.

Erstwhile Premiers, Sisi Ntombela and Mxolisi Dukwana tried it, and got nothing because State Security has more important things to monitor than cover up for politicians who want impunity to continue.

We can assure Mokoena the results will yield nothing.

He must also explain how his Director of communication at DARD ended up at Human Settlements and if he had a hand in it since he in charge.

Last year, he attempted to ship out Director of SCM at DARD to Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, now we see why.

Mokoena is in Cairo attending the forum using tax payers money.

This is a developing story.

If you have news or tips please email or WhatsApp 0685000246