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WATCH: “I cancelled a contractor at Community Safety” – Joyce Mathae

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The termination of New Beginnings Project contract worth R269 million as said by Free State Premier, Joyce Mathae, and subsequently expose by Patrick Phuti, its Chief Executive Officer, reveal a dark side of politics.

While New Beginning Project is accused of failing to do the 24 months work in 6 months which led to the termination of the contract as explained by Joyce Mathae on Lesedi FM, there is more.


In the words of Pravin Godhan, former finance minister connect the dots…

Just two months ago Mosa Masemene, head of department at Human Settlement made starling revelations in court papers while challenging her unlawful transfer to Social Development.

Masemene, who successfully challenged her unlawful transfer raised the following issues in court:

The Premier first acted as the Premier whilst her predecessor, Mr Dukwana, was in Peoples Republic of China attending to official duties. We had a bit of run-in at the time, because of a tender related issue.

I say more about this below. But I do not wish to at this stage – make a case for the Premier/s decision having been taken because of ulterior motives or bias.

I had three interactions with Premier since her appointment which I briefly deal:

The first, relates to contractors appointed for a period in Qwaqwa, who had apparently complained to the Premier that they were not being paid. On inquiry from the MEC, I stated that there were issues with the work performed and as a consequence, the department was not in position to make payment to those who had complained.

I got the idea that the Premier had demanded that these contractors (who were primarily women) must be paid, and I refused.

Secondly, in or about June 2024, the MEC of the Department (Mr Mokoena) told me that the Premier had instructed that the tender dating back to 2019 should be cancelled. I once again told the MEC that this was not possible, since the tender had been awarded and the position between parties was governed in contract. I held a view that the department would be in breach of the agreement. The Premier had instructed the cancelation of the tender/contract, and once again I refused.

The third occasion happened on the 29 July 2024, I got the message from the same MEC, who told me that contractors were complaining to Premier that I was conducting a review of their contracts in terms of the empowering provisions of what is commonly known as JBCC agreement.

A day later, 30 July 2024 Masemene was called to a meeting and served with a transfer letter.

What is interesting is Masemenene was never given any instruction in black and white.


Was she transferred because of incompetence or refusal to terminate a contract?

What is becoming clear is the contract at Community Safety, Roads and Transport was cancelled by Mathae as she boastfully said or at least her instructions.

This puts a microscope on executive authorities entering administration roles.

Mathae threatened contractors with terminations last year in the presence of acting HOD, Dr Masego Tshabalala.

Connect the dots….

In other news, Brigadier Mbambo of the Hawks called, they will be exercising their right of reply over yesterday’s story.

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