Staff reporter
Ficksburg – The celebration of 2024 Heritage Day in Ficksburg themed “celebrating heroes and heroines” marked a dark day in the hearts of Andries Tatane’s family.
Shot by the South African Police Services (SAPS) in front of cameras, and murdered, and to date, no one has been held responsible.
Just like Marikana massacre, at least it’s celebrated.
Driving to Ficksburg using R26 which is used by farmers, transportation of goods, as it connects Provinces and two countries; South Africa with Lesotho via Maputswe and Maseru border posts.
With heavy-duty trucks traveling daily, the patched road is bound to dilapidate.
The less said about service delivery in Meqheleng the better, same things Tatane died fighting for.
Not even a visit to his family.
Which heroes and heroines are celebrated?
The same ANC led government went to Ficksburg to celebrate heroes.
If you have news or tips please email or WhatsApp 0685000246
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