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Another L for Mathae as the court rules in favor of DG

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The high court of South Africa: Gauteng Division has dealt Joyce Mathae, Free State Premier another blow.

This followed an interdict application by Kopung Ralikontsane, the former Director General of the Free State Provincial Government against the implementation of recommendations of the Public Protector of South Africa.

Ralikontsane through Pretoria-based law firm, Bokwa Incorporated in part A, asked the court to:

  • interdict Mathae from implementing the recommendations of PPSA while in part B,
  • set aside the report

The report was issued on 30 June 2024, and two months later, on 1 August 2024, Mathae wrote to Ralikontsane informing him she would be implementing the PP recommendations which included transferring all implicated staff while a team of Free State Provincial Treasury to investigate the funeral costs of the late Tate Makgoe and bodyguard Mdi.

Ralikontsane wrote back to Mathae on the 14 August 2024 and informing her that he will be reviewing the report.

He also put the blame squarely on the Free State Provincial Treasury and this will be tested in court as part B is entertained.

The court interdicted Mathae after her plan to implement the PP report.

The second respondent is interdicted and restrained from enforcing the remedial action of the first respondent contained in paragraph 8, in particular, subsections 8.33, 834, and 8.35 of the first respondents reported dated 30 June 2024,

The implementation of remedial referred to by the first respondent’s report referred to in sub-paragraph 2.1 above is suspended.

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