Staff reporter
Bloemfontein – The second edition of the Lemo Festival hangs in the balance after Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality warned that construction on ERF 5/2280 is illegal.
A letter with a subject ILEGAL BUILDINGS On ERF NUMBER 5/2280 in possession of this publication dated 4 July 2024, gave Lemo Mall owners 30 days to comply with the regulations or face legal action.
The 30 days lapsed and no legal action has been taken thus far.
Furthermore, the letter emphasizes the inspection that was conducted by City Officials.

With the City previously demolishing illegal structures built by citizens using red ants, will the same be applied or it’s a case of George Orwell’s; All animals are equal but some are more equal than others?
According to sources with intimate knowledge the land in question belongs to Community Safety, Roads and Transport, according to a plan in possession of this publication, at least one building will be permanent for 5 years meaning the department can’t use its land for 5 years.

With Community Safety, Roads and Transport and Mangaung Metro not responding to our questions, our focus will now be on SAPS and Free State Tourism Liquor Authority as they form part of joint operations committee abd liquir license respectively.

What is clear is the municipality is not doing anything.
In a separate letter, Sello More confirmed their letter dated 4 July was not adhered to.
“It has come to our attention that you have failed to comply with the aforesaid notice and you are still continuing with the illegal construction of buildings without the approved building plans or written permission from the Municipality.
We hereby call upon you to immediately stop the construction works on Erf No.5/2280 Mangaung and confirm in writing on or before 23 July 2024 at 10h00 that you are proceeding with the demolition of the buildings already erected.
Your failure to comply with the contents of this letter will result in the legal proceedings being instituted against you for the appropriate relief in the circumstances.”
Freddy Kenney, the owne of Lemo Mall didn’t respond to questions.
This is a developing story.
If you have news or tips please email or WhatsApp 0685000246
Freddy is capable of doing what the government failed to do in thirty years which is building of infrastructure and alleviation of porverty now C Squared has been dominating yearly festival alone with politician getting kickbacks. It’s time for a fresh ideas to emanate and be given a chance.
Mangaung is the place to be proud of,and is so marvel to drive around because of Freddy. How many people are going to get employed in that centre? But this has not not came the surprise as our Comrades only know the development when the corruption is swelling their wallets. When are you going to worry about filthiness, pot holes, victimization of the Department of Health workers dear Comrades?
Thanks for the platform
Why destroy the structure? B4 it was a filthy place which you never bothered to maintain. What Freddy did is beautiful. Something you have never done in more than 20 years. Limo Mall is now the most attractive place in whole of Bloemfontein. If I were you I would Freddy to keep Magaung clean since you have failed. Shame on you!
I totally agree! Driving past Lemo Mall twice daily and it is looking so good. Also the road to Pelonomi Hospital. Well done, Freddy and team🙏🎉🤩👌Metro just want some ‘tjing-tjing’💴💵💶😡
I would hire Freddy
This is the problem of a failed and disorganised metro,where misappropriation of funds is at a centre stage.I so wish Mr Freddy was a politician, there is no one like him.Is it a sin to work and give back to the community.What he is doing is marvel to watch.He even repairs manucipal roads,why aren’t they questioning him on those repairs.Mr Freddy know that we as the Mangaung residents,we respect and support your efforts irrespective of these chance takers who never cared for Bloemfontein but their wallets.We will always honour you.Keep up the good work.
Dear government, instead of helping the black man’s idea you only think of demolishing No No No.
Rather change/ammend those policies that has to do with constructions and change them to suit this beautiful idea. I am thinking that you sent out proffesional inspectors/land surveyers etc and they concluded by saying the land is not safe for construction, its ok then.
Now is your turn again to appoint the best innovators/ constructors, surveyers, engineers and scientists to allow the construction on that field.
Yes it’s possible, think about Chinese engineers and please pay them good as you paid those who concluded that the construction is illegal.
Lastly, lets not politicise this issue but rather sing one song. “Lets all come together, black and white and help the idea behind” You can clearly see that this idea creates jobs for Free State communities.
Thank you.
Mr Freddy we salute you. You patched the road and scrapped the sides also,no one questioned the good deed. The so called place was just an illegal dumping site that you didn’t bother to clean. Do you guys have anything planned for the space that has been unkept for as long as we can remember? Just admit it,you guys failed dismally to maintain that land. Hands off Mr Freddy, he’s giving us our dignity as black people
Mangaung Metro ? We don’t have manucipality in Bloemfontein.
Freddy is our Manucipality if we have one here. He has built us beautiful parks around Lemo MALL, build some beautiful side walks, and help build the speed humps that safed so many lifes in Dr Belcher road. Just have a look at those painted pavements. We can now proudly speak of our kassie and tell people about the beauty of Mangaung. This is our pride and you tsotsis must stay away from our hero. You dare touch him, you’re touching this community.
That would be unfair. It’s just a way of politicians to disrupt Lemo Festival since they bringing back Macufe festival. Rather let the man be cause what he has done around the area and Bloemfontein must be applauded.
Oh nooooo be le simolla Ka manyala a Lena, back off to ntate Freddie, why now , you have been quite and now this, ke kopa leskare re leka tumelo ,Rona we don’t want what happened at Durban here , just leave Freddie alone , the man has heart of gold for our Mangaung the beautiful city of roses it was, now our kids are going to see the best city of roses 🌹🌹🌹 and then la simolla, don’t you dare touch him ,or waist his money ever again ,we are behind you ntate Freddie keep up a good work and you must know hore you will never do legally and meet their requirements until you pay them cuz bona they are the law and legal. Please show us what you have done with the Macufe money shame on you
Just because someone with power is not gaining ,now this is deemed illegal “shame on you”. Freddy has the Dr Belcher road looking so attractive and this is for the economical development of the city so why would you want to destroy that rather than find ground to work together “sies man”
Mr Freddy Kenny is a visionary.
He has done so much in our community area’s and has gave our phase’s area a phase values.
Now we don’t have to pay for a transport we just walk to the mall’s and home affairs office’s.
I give Mr Freddy a Bell’s Ola 7 jovijo.
Mr Freddy is a leader and a visionary. He has done what the so called leaders failed dismally in 30 years. Mangaung is metro a fake metro with fake leaders, who care for their own pockets and their families. Kenny is our hero who made us proud to be bonafide members of this community. Look at what he has done around Home Affairs and saw him personally working there. Hands off Kenny.
Mr Freddy is a leader and a visionary. Mangaung is metro a fake metro with fake leaders, who care for their own pockets and their families. Kenny is our hero who made us proud to be bonafide members of this community. Look at what he has done around Home Affairs and saw him personally working there. Hands off Kenny.
I must say everything everyone has touched on is true and nothing but the truth. How many liveless bodies has been found in this same field where Freddy is building now. There are so many empty erfs around which are abandoned and the moment you occupy it you are approached but no one cared about the place for years. Mr Feddy we are behind you sir.
Mangaung metro is fucked up. Black African anc politicians want some bribes now from Mr Kenny. Let they go to hell. Salute Mafuta go on my COLOURED BROER
Freddy is our hero, he brought our dignity back by bringing a very beautiful lemon mall to our lassie, built and maintained A+ roads with classic flowers and top of all he always create jobs for us. The space was hell and as always he turns it into woww to even our inflation.
This has csquared written all over it.
These crooks never did anything good for the community of Bloemfontein even now they want they only want Feddy to bribe them so as to fill up their “FOREVER-MOUTH OPENING-POCKETS that’s all
We support Freddy for such a great work and addressing socio economic challenges affecting our communities, its been too long politicians playing games and disseminating lies to our society, instead of taking him to court of laws they must him ways of how to develop Mangaung metro to be a better place for all and a real city of roses that we used to respect.
Hands off Freddy
These crooks never did anything good for the community of Bloemfontein even now they only want Feddy to bribe them so as to fill up their “FOREVER-MOUTH OPENING-POCKETS that’s all
People were moved in Lirrie park with structures they don’t have so much money he must move do same Red Ants
Freddy Kenny is the man. Please leave him alone. When he is busy cleaning and planting roses all over Bloemfontein no one sees or saying anything. But now that Lemo Fest is bringing him money you are jealous. Let the man continue to take Bloemfontein to another level. Hape Freddy ke Motho le style and class. Masepala yena o palletswe,
Why didn’t he buy Celtics when Celtics was struggling if you truly love Bloemfontein people stop talking nonsense
Freddy has taken a brave move by taking back the land. I hope people of Mangaung can team up and prevent anyone from stopping the erection of the building. Many people are definitely going to be employed there, the unattended piece of land will be put to good use at long last. . . Let our rulers copy the good deeds , atleast advice and assist him on what to do to comply.. … Kant en klaar. Forward with the Construction 🏗️
Ek stem saam, leave Bra Freddy alone, I am proud for what he did and still going to do, we are behind you, my broer. We can now proudly says, I am a Blomster, because we are Blooming because of him. Hands off Freddy.
Let’s support what Freddie has done so far not to destroy his legacy..our people are benefitting from what ever he is doing…why always black people cry every time if they are not involved..
I think Freddie deserves more than what…he is doing now.. let’s support whatever he is doing and stop being jealous
Freddie for president.
Greetings Free Staters,Now is the Time to put our Communities First regards to Transparent Community Participation Meetings throughout all our Regions rather than Deciding behind Closed -Doors Meetings in terms of Electing Provincial Leadership.We,re the Leader of all the Societies and our Communities still believe in this Glorious Movement of our forebears.Proper Consultations and Participations is Key in this 7th Administration.
We love freddy
I’m white and my clinic is in his mall…lemomall
It looks fantastic around the mall
Thanks to freddy
Mr Freddy for Mangaung Mayor look how clean is Dr Belcher road 🛣️👏👏
Mr Freddie we as the Mangaung community we support you , we behind you sir, for bringing Mangaung back way to be called CITY OF ROSES 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😍💐💐💐. We salute you 🙌 BROER . You rebuilt the Mangaung infrastructure.