Staff reporter
Reitz – The Director of Corporate Services at Nketoane Local Municipality, Disebo Motaung is in trouble following her “the best is to kill the Boer” comment in the senior management WhatsApp group.
Motaung was replying to an article shared by Mokete Nhlapo, City Manager.
Nhlapo shared an article published by Rhe Citizen which highlights the rights of readers when held at gunpoint by robbers.
What is strange is that the article didn’t make this about race but Motaung, unprovoked went the racial way.
“Joo MM still are exposed to danger
We need to have guns that is all. We are not protected by the or the banks.
The best is to kill the Boer”

The Democratic Alliance in the municipality has vowed to open a case and report her to the South African Human Rights Commission.
If you have news or tips please email or WhatsApp 0685000246
Where us this place and what about the racist comment to “Kill the Boer”? And they want guns or banks to protect them?