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PSC report to be used to oust Head of Human Settlement

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – In a repeat of what transpired at Community Safety, Roads and Transport under Joyce Mathae as MEC where employees were transferred and expelled, Mosa Masemene is getting the same treatment and is fighting back.

Details of the pending suspension of Mosa Masemene, Head of the Department of Human Settlement have emerged.

Masemene, who challenged her unlawful transfer to Social Development and won in Free State High Court on Thursday, 8 August 2024, is facing the prospect of suspension simply because she legally refused to go to Social Development.

At Community Safety, Roads and Transport people were charged frivolously and transferred to positions they have no expertise about.

In 2023, a deputy director in SCM was transferred simply because he is from Parys, in 2024, a supply chain director was transferred to the fleet only to return in April 2024.

What is this that the Department wanted to procure that the SCM Director had to move?

This is where the Hawks should sniff and trace the money.

Just like at Community Safety, Roads and Transport, Mathae without due diligence, shot from the hip and told senior government officials she was going to transfer them, with only 96 hours in office she had already done a performance analysis of the hods.

With Masemene mopping the floor with her in court, STEPUPSANEWS can confirm the PSC report which has fathered dust is now going to be used to charge and suspend her.

As previously reported, the PSC has found Masechaba Sesing, head of Treasury, and senior officials including CFO, Adre Botes guilty of misconduct and recommended they be charged.

The PSC also found Free State Education Acting DDG: Corporate Affairs, Bob Tladi, and other managers guilty of misconduct and recommended they be charged.

PSC also found a convicted criminal, Cecil Ngwenya’s appointment to be irregular and recommended it be corrected.

At DESTEA, PSC found another misconduct over appointment.

There is also another matter PSC referred to the office of the Premier involving Community Safety, Roads, and Transport for sanctioning.

And then there is Monnapule Ntamo who was fired but the department chose to reinstate him despite a labor court ruling, then the MEC went to legislature to lie about who was involved in his reinstatement.

That’s just with officials, at least four of her MECs are also not covered in glory.

  • MEC of Education implicated in the Mathlabs
  • MEC of Public Wprks and Infrastructure implicated in the travelgate
  • MEC of Social Development built a house from ground up in 6 months
  • MEC of Ccmmunity Safety, Roads and Transport implicated in the Ghost employees saga at Mangaung.

Is the Premier aware of all these?

According to the PSC, all reports have been sent to the legislature, there where is the consistency? Why is Masemene singled out?

Other than PSC reports gathering dust there is Sport, Arts, Culture and Reaction where an event failed dismally and no one is held accountable.

Yes, today marks 366 days an employee of Community Safety, Roads and Transport chilling at home on full pay after being suspended.

Impunity is the order of the day in Free State, explains why it’s the only province to have been implicated in the State Capture Inquiry.

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