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Whistles and Bells as Queen Masenate puts the sandy Bushwalk behind her

Jwaneng, Botswana – The 2024 Desert Bushifre Walk held on Saturday was graced by Her Royal Majesty, Queen Masenate of Lesotho.

It was Her Majesty’s maiden desert walk and she completed the 35 km with ease.

The Queen, accompanied by Slumber Tsogwane, deputy president of Botswana expressed her gratitude to Batswana after her introduction.

“I am very honored to be here, I am looking forward to the sandy walk, back home we do 118 km in 3 days, this, we will complete.”

Having participated and completed the MoshoeshoeWalk on 7 occasions, this was going to be a walk in the park(sand).

Her words were echoed by Goleba Kgari, Jwaneng district commissioner. Kgari even committed to participate in the 2025 MoshoeshoeWalk.

“Her Majesty, thank you for coming, I have always asked the organizers to invite me to MoshoeshoeWalk, I have just been told this year’s event has already passed but Batswana will flock in numbers next year.”

Among those who traveled with the Queen were Thabo Maretlane, a Member of Parliament and MoshoeshoeWalk organizer.

Speaking after the walk, Maretlane said both countries are always supporting each other.

“Batswana and Basotho are always supporting each other, they have always supported us and vice versa.”

About the 2025 edition of MoshoeshoeWalk, Maretlane confirmed the dates.

“Preparations are underway and this is not an easy event to host considering it takes three days to move from place A to place B and then, C.

Our team is hard at work at our event will be from 6-8 March 2025 as we celebrate 201 years of Lesotho.”

The Desert Bushwalk was well organized with signage visible as early as you enter Jwaneng, the collection of t-shirts and sorting out of sizes happened a day earlier, on Friday, which gave hikers a huge sigh of relief.

Watch highlights courtesy of @thutovictorMD from Botswana.

For more on his work, please follow him on Facebook and Instagram.

While 15 km hikers separated from 30 km hikers, the water points were in point with more than enough supply of water, fruit, and energy drinks.
