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Zamani Saul cried for the Soul of ANC and Dukwana survives an onslaught after a businessman was forced to buy a table next t president

Staff reporter

Welkom – African National Congress (ANC) Chairperson in the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, had warned that he might be the last ANC Premier if support for the party continues to decline.

Saul was speaking during the party’s two-day virtual Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) Legotla in the Northern Cape.
He maintains that the decreased support in 2021’s municipal elections paints a bleak picture for the upcoming 2024 national elections.

Years after the Local Government Elections, the ANC in the Northern Cape is still licking its wounds. The party received 50.55% support during the 2021 municipal elections, a decline from the 58.26% support in 2016and now, failed to get outright majority in the national elections.

Saul said unless something changes, they must forget about leading the province in 2024 and his prophecy had come to light.

“There are only about 165 000 that have voted for the ANC and this poses a particular challenge to the movement. If we go to 2024 with this trend, it’s most likely that I am the last serving ANC Premier in the Northern Cape,” says Saul.

Saul said they had plans to strengthen local government to deliver basic services and respond to the dissatisfaction of residents.

“We need to strengthen our capacity to give support to our municipalities to make sure that they are responsive to service delivery challenges. As soon as a municipality fails, people direct their anger to the provincial government.”

As the party embarks on its two-day Lekgotla, Saul has told delegates to find ways of dealing with the disunity and making the party attractive to the voter once again.

Northern Cape ANC Chairperson frowned upon internal battles of the party

Saul said internal battles within the party make it unattractive to voters and supporters.

He said the provincial ANC lekgotla should find ways in dealing with the disunity within the party as they prepare for the 2024 elections.

Results are out and many are humbled.

Saul is poised to retain his Premiership.

In other news, Free State Premier Mxolisi Dukwana has just survived an onslaught from one of his MECs who sources say she forced a business who got tenders from her department to buy a table next to where President Ramaphosa was seating during the recent Siyanqoba Rally in Soweto.

The MEC question allegedly tried to lobby support and did so by painting a bad picture of Dukwana and how he should not lead Free State.

According to insiders Ramaphosa took strong exception.

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