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Dichabe challenges his suspension in court

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The Free State High Court will tomorrow, Friday, 31 May 2024, hear an urgent application by suspended Chief Executive Officer of Free State Gambling, Liquor & Tourism Authority, Kenny Dichabe.

Dichabe’s suspension on 17 April 2024, has been a bone of contention between the board and MEC Thabo Meeko.

While it was the board chairperson, Moeketsi Tladi who suspended Dichabe, it was the MEC who appointed the acting CEO following an attempt by Tladi to appoint an acting CEO.

According to sources with intimate knowledge, Dichabe’s extraction was signed by the MEC last year and logic dictates that “he who hires fires”.

Should the court rule in favor of Dichabe the already tainted credibility of the board which was not at and even vetted, led by a convicted criminal will further take flack.

Among board members is Tshepo Mabilo, a Treasury official found to have been complicit in the interview he chaired by Public Service Commission.

The PSC recommended Mabilo together with four others, be subjected to the disciplinary hearing.

Before his appointment, his name and that of his colleagues were all over, and did the MEC at least ask him about that?

A company linked with a relative of Tladi was funded by FSGLTA late last year but details are sketchy.

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