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Lifestyle Audit gets the nod from Ankole breeder

Staff reporter

Bryanston – The much eagerly awaited lifestyle audit is finally seeing the light.

In 2018 President Cyril “Tintswalo” Ramaphosa announced that there were plans to introduce lifestyle audits aiming at curbing corruption.

Much as most of those in his cabinet and provincial legislatures nationwide will be out after May 29, it’s a step in the right direction.

Like step-aside, this applies to cabinet members, ministers, and deputy ministers alike.

From the little information available cabinet members will be required to fill in forms, declare their earnings, submit bank account details, credit card details, deeds of trusts, houses, and financial arrangements.

Alex Gwala from Delloitte said in the private sector this is done every year.

“It’s a concept familiar with the private sector where every year you declare financial records including your family members.

From your salary to how you use your money including your family.”

Do politicians leave beyond their means?

Prof PLO Lumumba sums it up nicely.


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