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Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa

Company with ties to the ANC score R65 million tender for road work

Staff reporter
Bloemfontein – The Department of Community Safety, Roads, and Transport has made at least three appointments for road maintenance in the province.

One of the companies Black Top Civils Ltd, was awarded R65 549 539.42 for 6 kilometers of work in 12 months.

Black Tops Civils (Ltd) is owned by Dasheka, who has close ties with the ruling party and his lodge, Imvelo hosted the controversial provincial conference and January 8 after-party celebrations in 2023.

We asked Dasheka’s daughter, Lindiwe if the ANC paid for the usage of their facilities and she did not respond to our questions but it later turned out the money raised through the the controversial fund raising may have paid for the conference facility but it later turned out the money raised through the controversial fund raising may have been used to pay for the conference facility.

To this day the ANC has not come out publicly to say who is paying for these events including transportation and food.

Not forgetting their court challenges.

It’s a known fact that government contractors are sent invoices for ANC events and they are forced to pay, case in point the Manifesto Review event that was held in Welkom.

What we know as a matter of fact is that the MECs of Community Safety, Roads and Transport, Health, and Education have met with government contractors and we reported on this.

The Community Safety, Roads and Transport MEC went further to ask contractors to plow back to the community (whatever that means) or their contracts will be terminated while the Health MEC is busy asking for payment schedule from finance team and the Education MEC moved office and camped in the SCM few kilos from his designated office.

This is an article for another day.

Both the ANC and Premier are aware of this but see no evil including how companies close with one of the above mentioned MECs scored tenders worth over R90 million.

If you didn’t know why only Free State out of all nine provinces made it in the State Capture Inquiry, now you know.

In other news, the Democratic Alliance has won the cadre deployment case in the constitutional court and now, the big question is what is in those minutes?

If you have news or tips please email us at or WhatsApp 0685000246