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Senior Managers are “MEC’s enablers”, Free State Health staff

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The senior managers at the Department of Health in the Free State are accused of being “enablers” of MEC Mathabo Leeto’s alleged irregular appointments and more.

This follows a series of articles that we published about the department since her appointment succeeding the erstwhile Montseng Tsiu.

Insiders at Bophelo House point to the department’s HOD Godrey Mahlatsi as he is the accounting offer yet allegedly allows Leeto to push him around without any resistance.

“Let’s start with the letter we gave you from acting DDG: Corporate Affairs, Mr. Fikizolo, in that letter he clearly stated who gave him the instruction. It’s our MEC, Mathabo Leeto and what did the HoD Mahlatsi do? Nothing.

Moving to the current purging of hospital CEOs, Phillip Radebe was transferred, Dr. Noge was charged for a case that was dismissed in 2018, and the precautionary suspension of Fezi Ngubentombi Hospital CEO, Khomotso Phahladira. Again it’s the HoD doing the dirty work to please MEC.”

Asked how things were under Tsiu our insider said.

“Everything went pear shape after Dr. Benny Malakoane, simply because he was a Medical Doctor, he knew what the department was all about, we had the late Butana Komphela who never bothered any, and of course Tsiu who treated everyone fairly.

Maybe the ANC needs to revert to the 2012 resolution of having a medical doctor as MEC for Health like in Limpopo.”

The MEC of Health in Limpopo is Dr Popi Ramathuba and during her hospital visits, she does what doctors do.

Another insider said the recent secondment and subsequent appointment of Advocate Mokgobo happened because MEC wanted her.

“After the Treasury declined the transfer of Advocate Mokgobo surely, the HoD should have said to MEC we cant push secondment hardly days after the Treasury has turned down the transfer but what did the HoD do?

He appointed the same person to be acting Director SCM and that’s not all.”

Asked what she meant she said.

“The vacant director SCM and HR will soon be advertised and I can tell you now, Mokgobo and Paseka Mosole will be appointed respectively and that way, even after the national elections MEC’s interests will be taken care of.

Ask them to send you Mosole’s CV, that will tell you a lot about how much the MEC thinks of this department.”

Mosole and Dibolelo Hou joined Health from Sport, Arts and Culture and Recreation and they were on salary level 12 and 11 respectively, however, at Health they were moved to top notches of 13 and 12, meaning their transfers meant they moved a notch.

In essence Mosole is a Chief Director after his transfer.

As previously reported they were transferred to the MEC office but were silently moved into administration where they are allegedly acting.
A member of NEHAWU who spoke on condition of anonymity said the environment at Health is so toxic and Papi Maarohanye has been off sick since October after Leeto appointed Dr Mokoena as the second DDG: Clinical Services and has taken some of Maarohanye’s responsibilities.

As things stand the department has two DDGs doing the same job.

Another shocking revelation is Tumi Molongoana who was the head of the medical depot has also been on sick leave after she was moved, her position is now occupied by Charlotte Moatlhodi who is allegedly on the highest notch of the acting salary level.

While many pointed at Mahlatsi at least two insiders say Moses Moremi, Chief Financial Officer is also an enabler.

Moremi is allegedly giving Leeto a list of companies to be paid after scheduled Treasury runs.

“The CFO keeps asking us to compile lists and he says the MEC needs it.

Even with payments, certain companies are prioritized.”

As to why Leeto would ask for such, your guess is as good as ours.

23 months ago, Kopung Ralikontsane, Director General of the Free State Provincial Government warned HODs against taking such and he got into a heated debate with Makalo Mohale.

Mondli Mvambi, the spokesperson for Free State Health didn’t respond to our questions.

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