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Free State Education spend half a million on legal opinion

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The Department of Education in Free State is still studying the damning Public Service Commission (PSC) report released in November 2022, 13 months later, they are studying it.

The report found irregular appointments including that of Cecil Ngwenya who is a convicted criminal to be irregular and recommended disciplinary action against Bob Tladi, Acting Deputy Director General (DDG) for his role in the appointment of TM Molloyi who scored 80.6% instead of VB More who scored 86% who came first and the best candidate.

The PSC finding:

“The selection committee incorrectly recommended the appointment of the second best candidate without providing adequate or justifiable motivation to the approving authority.

This resulted in the irregular appointment of Ms Molloyi.

The allegation that Ms Molloyi was irregularly appointed is thus far found to be substantiated.”

More who was overlooked for the position she rightfully deserved (ASD: Acquisition), was then appointed to the position she did not even apply for (ASD: Logistics and Fleet management), you can’t make this up.

The commission recommended all irregular appointments be corrected and selection committee members be subjected to disciplinary action:

  • Selection committee members who incorrectly recommended that the second-best candidate be appointed
  • Acting DDG: CS who incorrectly approved the appointment of the second-best candidate.

With regards to Ngwenya, PSC found that the position was not advertised, the department did not conduct the criminal record check, and the appointment was irregular.

Step UP SA News has it on good authority that both the Tladi and Ngwenya who are directly implicated in this report allegedly sought legal opinion at a cost of over R500 000 to challenge and review the commission’s report.

In the same report, the PSC found the appointment of Jabu Khumalo to also be irregular and this is a position in the office of the MEC.

The political office officials may not be interviewed for their jobs but they need to meet requirements.

Khumalo according to the PSC only has matric but was appointed permanently as PLO.

Howard Ndaba, spokesperson for the Department of Education said the report was received (2022).

“The report was received and is currently under consideration. Once the department is ready and has studied it, we will communicate with the PSC.”

Concerning the cost of the legal opinion sought Ndaba said.

“The figure you are referring to is not known to us. In any case, the relationship between the department and service providers is confidential.”

Of course, they do not know the figures, they also did not know they were appointing a convict and it would amount to an irregular appointment.

Could Ndaba be economic with the truth? Time will tell if they are studying the report or failing to implement their own plan.

The commission had given the department 60 days to send implementation plan and a year later, they are still studying the report.

This is a serious indictment of Premier Dukwana who promised clean government.

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