Step Up SA

Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa

Sandton is the new Saxonworld as HOD allegedly met with Premier and MEC before the appointment

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – If you cared to watch State Capture Inquiry and in particular, the testimony of Mxolisi Dukwana who claimed to have turned down R2 million a month from the Gupta family, you would have thought he is beyond reproach and a leader of high standards.

Dukwana went further to call the recently expelled former ANC Secretary General, Ace Magashule a blesser to many and singled out the appointment of Stanley Malope as one typical example of “cronyism”.

On the basis of his posture at the commission except for the concession that he took R10 000 from Guptas for fuel which does not make sense and was always a red flag, he ought to be better than Magashule who introduced him to the Guptas, allegedly.

Is he better?

Step UP SA News has learned Dukwana who was the Member of the Executive Council (MEC) for Human Settlement and Interim Provincial Committee (IPC) convener together with Sefora Ntombela, former Premier and IPC deputy convener allegedly met Mosa Masemene and a businessman known to this publication in his house in Sandton on the 29th July 2022, a month before Ntombela appointed Masemene as Head of Department (HoD) at Human Settlement.

We previously reported the alleged horsetrading.

Sources say this meeting happened during the policy conference.

“Yes, we know about the meeting almost everyone knows and it was a matter of when this would leak.

This compromises the entry process as it seems the decision was taken outside the normal process.”

Our source went further to say the businessman must have had proximity to the two leaders.

“They must have been very close to Sefora and Duks to be able to access them with such ease. What did he stand to gain?”

In August 2021, Ntombela who at the time was Premier said all vacant positions will be filled by women, “capacity of not”.

While State Capture revealed albeit speculatively, government positions were given on a silver platter to associates of the Gupta family, and those appointments were discussed in their house in Saxonworld where Dukwana and others went, it’s clear as daylight that Sandton has replaced Saxonworld and this explains why out of all nine provinces, Free State was the only province fingered in the state capture.

Dukwana who announced the extension of Kopung Ralikontsane’s contract without engaging the ANC and defended the funeral costs of Tate Makgoe’s funeral will be facing his motion of no confidence just less than 6 months in office.

Sefora Ntombela, former Premier of the Free State Province, Mxolisi Dukwana, former MEC, and now Premier, and Motale Sebego, spokesperson for Human Settlement didn’t respond to our questions.

Below are the questions sent to Motale Sebego:

We understand Mosa Masemenene met with Sefora Ntombela and Mxolisi Dukwana before her appointment. Where did they meet?

Who else attended the meeting?

Why was the meeting in Sandton?

Who owns that house?

What business did the fourth person(name withheld) have with the meeting?

Who coordinated the meeting?

Did Masemene even apply for the job?

When did she apply?

Well maybe if someone complaints at Public Service Commission we will get answers.
This is a developing story.

If you have news or tips please email or WhatsApp 0685000246