Bloemfontein – The three Treasury officials who were suspended for last year’s payment of Macufe have silently returned to work and moved to different positions.
In October a renowned law expert speaking exclusively to this publication urged Pakiso Lebone who was a Chief Director, of Sustainable Resource Management to approach labor after his suspension as there was no merit.
It later emerged two more officials Edward Kotjomela, Deputy Director of Financial Asset Management, and Lekoa Molotsi, Secretary in the HoDs office were also suspended over Macufe’s payment.
Step UP has it in good authority that all three officials have returned to work and have been moved to different positions.
- Lebone Pakiso Elias is now acting Chief Director: of Municipal Financial Management from 27 March 2023 to date as Acting Chief Director Municipal Finance,
- Edward Kotjomela is now Deputy Director: Municipal Budgets from the 2nd May 2023
- Lekoa Molotsi is now a Supervisor of Registry and Messenger Services from the 27th of March to date.
None of the three has been charged, 9 months after their suspension and Free State High ordered C-2 be paid over R3 million of the outstanding money plus interest dating back to November and legal costs.

Interest and legal costs will be fruitless and wasteful expenditure but it’s a bone we will pick with Auditor General soon.
With the officials now acting in other positions, the following staff members are now acting in their positions:
- Steven Mngoma is the acting Chief Director: Sustainable Resource Management
- Tokoloho Tsipane is the acting Deputy Director of Financial Asset Management
- Mpolokeng Mokgwetsi is the acting Secretary at Hod’s office
Today marks exactly 52 days before Macufe 2023 and one would have thought the Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and, Recreation learned a thing or two from Macufe 2022, Freedom Day celebration, and June 16 but nope, see no evil, hear no evil vibes.
Tshediso Mokokoane, spokesperson for Treasury sent us a list of questions instead of exercising a right of reply afforded and could not confirm or deny if the officials returned to work unless we responded to his useless questions, the officials are at work.
If you have news please email or WhatsApp 0785000246
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