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RIGHT OF REPLY: Free State Health is STEPPING UP selectively

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The Department of Health in Free State has exercised its right of reply following our article in which we reported wholesale changes at the provincial head quarters.

Through Mondli Mvambi, the spokesperson of the department expressed its views as follows:

“The Free State Department of Health takes this opportunity to dispute the claims of Step Up because it is not true that the MEC for Health spoke to HOD to go home before the end of his contract.

In any case, HoDs are appointed not by the MEC, but by the Premier.

The reference to the case of Matjhabeng is prejudicial as this is brought up just to tarnish the name of the MEC on what by the admission of Step Up, the case was taken off the roll.

Step Up Media is advised to liaise with the Department of Sport, Arts, Culture, and Recreation concerning the Statue of Mr. Leabua Jonathan because the MEC can’t respond on behalf of her erstwhile Department.

The work of the MEC is focused on providing Health Care Services to the people of the Free State and would not like to be drawn into speculations by the media.“

The department is very selective as the article in question mentions Sipho Towa who was acting Provincial Manager and has been replaced by Sidney Dywili and this part of the article is not disputed.

According to a letter in our position, Towa’s acting ended on 28 May 2023. This part of the article is not disputed.

We also reported that Papi Maarohanye who is the Deputy Director General: Clinical Services has had his responsibilities reduced and we can say that Dr Sammy Mokoena has taken the “rest” of Maarohanye’s roles while he is left with only three.

Our source shared a text sent to management and again, this part of the story is not disputed by the department.

“ Good morning, Colleagues.

I’m pleased to announce that Dr. Sammy Mokoena will be joining our team as of Monday the 29th of May 2023. The clinical services cluster will be divided into two and Mr. Maarohanye shall remain with Forensic Pathology Services, Laundry Services, Environmental Health Services, and Pharmaceutical Services while Dr. Mokoena will be responsible for the rest.

Dr. Sammy has served the people of the Freestate well at the height of the Covid 19 pandemic. We thank him and the team (Dr. Hellen Motloung, Mme Priscilla, and others) for their selfless service, dedication, commitment, and humility. We welcome Dr Mokoena, he has all the qualities that this team needs and he will certainly strengthen us as a team.

Dr Mokoena you’re welcome, feel part of the team, you have our support. We are looking forward to a good working relationship and wish you all of the best.”

We had asked the department why is Marohanye’s responsibilities reduced when Botshabelo and Thusanong hospitals among others do not have CEOs and to date, the answer has not been provided.

We have also received a leaked email from AZG Bebula about vacant jobs but that will be a story for another day as we gather more about the meeting held at National Hospital in which vacancy jobs were discussed.

The issue around Dr Benny Malakoane is also not disputed and it’s a known fact that he attended the budget vote and was mentioned by the MEC. Also, he had applied for Marohanye’s job and has taken the department to Public Protector.

While the department disputes the early package for Godfrey Mahlatsi our sources say the acting letter for Dr Mzangwa was ready and Mahlatsi collapsed when he was told and was admitted to hospital.

It remains a fact that MEC was arrested and charged, the issue around the statue is remains a fact but we will taken department’s advise and ask AGSA if it has been reported to Hawks for investigation.

The right of reply is a constitutional right of any person or institution and can be afforded later if it had not been when the story was published.

As long as it’s on the same platform, the story goes on.

If you have news or tips please email or WhatsApp 0685000246