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This borders on corruption” – contractors accused Transport MEC

Staff reporter

Bloemfontein – The newly sworn Police, Roads, and Transport, MaQueen Mathae is in the spotlight again this time not for the suspension of staff nor transfers but fot the meeting she had with about 25 contractors a few weeks ago.

Mathae who replaced the erstwhile MEC, Kwekwe Bulwane first made news when she launched the Easter Road Safety campaign on the eve of the long weekend and her department ignored requests to share accident details such as arrests, traffic fines issues, and road carnages. A day before and you expect effectiveness?

Step UP News has been reliably informed about the meeting the MEC, and acting HoD, Masego Tshabalala had with contractors with at least three independent sources saying the meeting was unprecedented and bordered on corruption.

“This indeed borders on corruption.”

Another source said they were embarrassed and MEC even threatened to cancel contracts if they do not plow back to the communities.

“We had to stand up one by one and introduce ourselves and companies like little kids, we were told never to pick up calls from department officials and only take calls from the MEC who will call and ask us to help our communities.

She said if we don’t plough back our contracts with be cancelled.”

During the said meeting it is alleged an altercation occurred between Mathae and a contractor.

Another source said a contractor took the MEC head-on after she accused him of overcharging the department.

“MEC did not expect a pushback and when Mr Rantwa confronted about their plan to bring engineers from Public Works it took them by surprise. Also if Rantwa was overcharging the department what has the HoD who seems to have this information done?

I mean the MEC said this and asked the acting HoD to affirm which she affirmed.

Another contractor who was embarrassed was Gift who when he stood up the acting HoD whispered something into MEC’s ear and guess what? He was asked to stay behind.”

The department has been in our court over the termination of contracts and while roads continue to deteriorate expect no change as the money meant for maintenance will be used CSI and this is exactly what got Ace Magashule in the dock for asking contractors to help the poor.

It’s also alleged the MEC said a former official of the department has more money than the department and we are to believe the meeting with 25 contractors was a meet and greet, believe what you want but something is fishy.

If the MEC can do this to contractors your guess is a good as mine how the staff is treated and this explains a lot.

Hilary Mophethe, spokesperson for Police, Roads, and Transport said the department notes the allegations.

“The department notes the allegations you are bringing forth and hereby wants to state that they are false and unsubstantiated.”

Mophethe at least confirmed the meeting did happen.

The MEC has been meeting with various departmental stakeholders since she joined the department, and meeting with contractors as critical role players in the provision of services to the people of Free State was crucial.

In conclusion, Mophethe said the meeting was about the quality of roads.

“We can not be oblivious to the fact that the quality of roads and related services is our mandate. The Executive Authority needed to communicate concerns and shortfalls of the expectation of the quality of work delivered by the contractors.”

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