The planned Free State Conference seems to be fading with each day passing, this is after disputes of fraud at least at five wards in Bloemfontein, three wards in Botshabelo, and two wards in Maluti-A-Phofung
According to terms of reference signed on the 11th November 2022, by Paul Mashatile, ANC’s Treasurer General acting as head of the SGO it was Paseka Nompondo, Provincial Coordinator, who wrote to his office complaining about the alleged theft of and BGM fraud.
This is how the alleged fraud happened according to Nompondo.
a) using details of an appointed scanner, to log in to the EAS, thus kicking out the appointed scanner, and then fraudulently scanning IDs and/or members for the BGM
b) Conduct “ID Harvesting”, by collecting members’ IDs, generating ID bar codes and/or electronic membership cards, and scanning them whilst the ANC members’ IDs are not present at the BGM. The objective of this is to fraudulently get the BGM to quorate, nominate, and elect delegates to the conference.
A source from ward 16 in Bloemfontein who spoke on condition of anonymity explained what they discovered.
“We discovered and have proof of a person who was not even an ANC member, going to the booth and signing the register with her grandmother’s ID.”
Step UP SA News has a signed affidavit by the 36-year-old woman who registered as her grandmother and for their safety, we will not publish their names and the video.
The affidavit reads;
“That on the03/11/2022 I was approached by ANC members to take my grandmother’s ID to go and attend a BGM. I am not a member of the ANC, I went and signed the attendance register as (name withheld). That’s all I want to declare.”
This morning at 09h30 the affected wards will have an opportunity to present their cases and a rerun will likely be on the cards but the big question is what will happen to those behind the alleged theft?
In other theft of wards related news Mduduzi Manana, chairperson of Dispute Resolution Committee has set aside the decision of Provincial Dispute resolution over ward 5 complaint.
According to the complaint lodged by Mduduzi NKAMBULE there were two members of their branch who were allowed to participate in the meeting without IDs. The PDRC found the two members could not have material effect but Manana ruled in favor of complainants.
If you have news or tips please email us at or WhatsApp 0685000246
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