The community of Brandfort in Masilonyana Local Municipality is begging Free State Health Department to use an abandoned building while it’s fixing the VaalRock Clinic.

The clinic was burnt down by a young person who broke in while stealing in 2018 and the community tried to save it but their efforts were too little too late.
Since then it has been a challenge for Brandfort residents who asked this publication for help.
During a visit by the Step UP SA News team with a community leader, we found the Vaalrock clinic in ashes.

Opposite the clinic the team found kids playing in the vandalized building that residents think can be used as a makeshift clinic while Vaalrock is repaired.

“It’s almost four years since our clinic was burnt-down and the elderly are forced to walk a long distance to get medical help and this can’t continue.
The department must utilize the building next door.
We need help urgently.”
Another resident from an informal settlement said they need healthcare.
“I have been staying here for sixteen years and it’s always a struggle when we get sick. What makes things worse is there is no proper water and sanitation now you can imagine the dangers.”
Mondli Mvambi, spokesperson for Free State health said plans are afoot:
“Vaalrock is under consideration for revamp fast tracking but this can only be effected in the period around March 2023.
The project is implemented by Department of Public Works and Infrastructure.
Reakhalla building was built by Lottery funds for Foster Care Parents.
This building is currently vandalised and would also need revamping albeit faster than Vaalrock. The Department has considered that option and is engaging with all stakeholders including both Departments of Social Development, Public Works and Infrastructure.”
This is a developing story.
If you have any news or tips please email us at or WhatsApp 0685000246
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