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“ANC and Public Service Commission must account for this,” cries a disgruntled Free State Education employee.

Following revelations by Thulas Nxesi, Minister of Public Service and Administration that about 94 senior managers in the Free State Provincial Government do not have the required qualifications employees who felt they were sidelined pointed the finger at Public Service Commission and the ruling party, African National Congress. 

Replying to a question posed by Dr. Gondwe, which had two parts one being:

(a) the total number of senior managers in the Public Service did not have the qualifications required for the positions that they currently occupy as of 1 May 2022 and

(b) is the breakdown of the specified figure in each (i) national and (ii) provincial department?

In total there are 2 364 and 94 of those are in Free State. 

A disgruntled employee at Free State Education pointed the finger at ANC and PSC. 

“We have seen appointments of families and politically linked positions converted into the department and when we complain to Public Service Commission our cases are squashed. 

This is nothing, they must release irregular appointments you will fall off your chair.” 

Over the past 12 months, we reported extensively about alleged irregular appointments at various government departments with beneficiaries being those close to political heads.

Nxesi also revealed that Free State Provincial Government spent R4 648 836.75 on suspensions year ending in March 2020 while in the year ending March 2021 FSPG spent  R5 266 317.17. 

While the office of the Premier released a statement saying most senior managers do meet the requirements the IPC is yet to make a pronouncement of the revelation. 

What we can confirm following our numerous inquiries to PSC is that they are the last people to run to when you have problems. We still waiting for a response to questions we sent last year about a convicted criminal employed by Free State Education.

Expecting anyone of action from FSPG is like expecting a hyena to massage a goat.

Premier’s daughter-in-law has been acting Chief Director at Social Development since Tumelo Phahlo started to act as HoD while her daughter is an assistant director(according to PSC) at DESTEA with matric while we are told she is a deputy director but that’s a story for another day.

What is not clear if will those in 94 positions return to the positions they qualify for?

In other news employees at COGTA are allegedly plotting a protest at Premier’s and ANC offices over appointment of Tshepiso Ramakane over his age.

According to sources Ramakarane is 63 years old and Premier lacked vision in his appointment.

Ramakarane is currently embroiled in a defamation case against Selloane Lephoi, an activist in Setsoto Municipality after she allegedly called him corrupt.

PSC and ANC coupd not be reached for their comments.

If your know any employee who was employed irregularly or does not meet requirements please send us email or WhatsApp 0685000246