Step Up SA

Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa

C-2 clinch Macufe while ANC NEC disband and reconstitute Free State and Western Cape Interim structures

With at least nine companies that have raised their hands to host the 2022 edition of the Mangaung African Cultural Festival (Macufe) following the advertisement which closed on the 5th August 2022, the appointment of the service provider proved to be more difficult than hosting as EXCO was split but Consumer Connectedness (C-2) got the job. 

That’s according to three independent sources who told this publication a legal advice had to sought first to avert any interdict and appointment will be announced today or latest, Friday.

Macufe returned after two years of hiatus due to the covid-19 pandemic. The festival turned into a laughing stock in 2007 when powers at the time decided to hand Macufe to Tourism. 

It was only after Ace Magashule, the suspended secretary general of ANC, then as MEC of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation singlehandedly saved Macufe by ensuring the Macufe programs are aligned to Arts and Culture with Mario Sefo tasked with it. 

Step UP SA News has learned the decision to appoint the service provider had split EXCO and one wonders why would a departmental tender be discussed at EXCO level?

We have seen how politicians especially MECs when they are accused of corruption they always shout “I am not the accounting officer” yet they are fighting over who should be appointed.

The nine companies and their quotes below per leaked document: 

Accurate Events – R3 000 000

Black shift Entertainment – R4 073 825.36

T-Music Man PTY (LTD) – R1 778 661.00

SaSha Trading – R2 469 452.00

Trish Industry R22 314 051.00

Central Plaza Investments 199 JV – R22 600 000.00

C-Squared – R16 849 863.80

DS Consortium  R22 960 962.41

WW P-Group PTY (LTD) – no specifications  

C-2 has 28 days to pull this off and with resources at their disposal they should.

C-2 is hosting Soulful Sounds 3 in celebration of Womans Month on Saturday 27 August 2022 and tickets are still available.

Below is a an interview Msaki had with Morning Live

Msaki on Morning Live

In other news the ANC National Executive Council resolved to disband and reconstitute interim structures in Free State and Western Cape.

This is a developing story.

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