The Free State Agriculture and Rural Development MEC, Thembeni Nxangisa has promised to help a young farmer who lost 200 chicks on Monday after they were allegedly poisoned.
Nxangisa who was on Newzroom Africa and SAFM on Sunday and Monday respectively, talking about Youth in Agriculture has pledged his support to help the 23-year-old emerging farmer from Ficksburg.
Speaking exclusively to Step UP SA News pained Kabelo Mohapi said he shared the shack with his family(mom and siblings) with the chicks.

After dropping out of Tosa College in Welkom where he was studying electrical engineering due to finances in 2020, Mohapi decided to start poultry farming in November 2020 despite not having a proper structure for such a business and he shared his shack with his 50 chicks.
Asked how much he made from the 50 chicks Mohapi said.
“With my first batch of 50 chicks, I made R9200 if I don’t count the chicks that died.”

This year he managed to save and buy 200 chicks which he lost on Monday after they were allegedly poisoned. He says he left on Sunday leaving his siblings to look after the chicks and when the siblings left to play they did not lock the door but just closed it.
“On Sunday I left the chicks with my siblings and when they went to play they did not lock the door but just closed it. It looks like someone came and poisoned the chicks because I only realized on Monday that their food had poison.
All 200 chicks are dead and I have nowhere to go.”
We broke the news that MEC Nxangisa is prepared to help him Kabelo said he will appreciate any help that can get his business on track again.
“If we could get land in Ficksburg so we can build a proper poultry structure with equipment that would mean a lot to me and it will create a lot of jobs for the youth in Meqheleng because youth in Meqheleng is unemployed.”

Kabelo said he got a call from Free State Premier, Sefora Ntombela and the premier sent MaMorule who promised to come back and to date, nothing happened.
We asking all our readers and anyone willing STEP UP to assist Kabelo with donations, equipment, and any resources useful to please contact him on 0718224717
With MEC Nxangisa coming on board we hope Human Settlement can build the family a house while Setsoto Municipality avails land.
The Mohapi family can not and should not believing like this let along sharing a shack with chickens. Anyone who knows or grew in an environment that has chickens know how noisy they can be very early in the morning.
Hopefully Social Develoment, DESTEA and Education will all come together to ensure this family is taken care of and the kids go to school.
If you have news or tips please email us at or WhatsApp 0685000246
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