Step Up SA

Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa


First and foremost i would like to humbly appeal to the entire people of the Northern Cape to pay close attention to what is happening in our beautiful province and how people are being manipulated to strengthen the real capture of the Northern Cape province by Pixley Cabal led by Zamani Saul.

A few years ago when i was still in the ANC we used to be given political briefings in Pixley by the ANC leadership in the region at that time.

We were given an impression that the former ANC provincial chair Cde John”Fikile”Block was not leading the province with his entire leadership collective and that he was taking strategic decisions alone which isolated Pixley in the main and strengthened his faction in upington ZFM region.

This is the impression we were given in almost all our briefings and this was used as a mobilisation tool to gunner support against JB.

Zamani used to say that JB turned the whole province into a strong man phenomenon in a sense that everything he says must be respected and implemented.

He even went to the extent of comparing JB’s leadership to that of Cde Supra, Ace and DD when they were chairpersons at that time.

Some of us did not fall into that political trap and therefore never believed this story by Zamani that is why we did not support him in 2017 for the position of ANC provincial chair.

He clandestinely emerged victorious and occupied the position of premier in the Northern Cape province.

Since he occupied the position of premier he has proven himself to be even worse than how he described JB to us when he was provincial chair. The man is the worse thing that has ever happened to this province because corruption has became fashionable under his leadership and we have now degenerated from bad to worse.

To be quite honest i do not blame myself or regret for not supporting or believing in him because he has proven himself to be the same person that i have known to be ethnic and extremely factional. He is a living example of a real narcissist.

Since he became premier of this province he made so many unrealistic pronouncements which some people believed because they thought he was educated and ethical.

Since then many people are so disappointed to a man holding a PHD because they have now seen the real side of him and his political agenda is now clear.

Zamani has a history of turning against his own forces. He normally starts by bringing you closer and then throw you to the political dustbin at a later stage.

For an example look at the type of treatment he gave to one of his close political allies the late Cde Mxolisi Sokatsha(may his soul rest in peace).

After removing him from the province he instructed him to resign nomination to serve in the ANC PEC without any explanation.

Like all other narcissist they have an inability or unwillingness to recognise the needs and feelings of others.After all what he did to Cde Sokatsha he still buried him as if nothing has happened.

One of the traits of a narcissist is that they would normally feel powerful when they see the tears of frustration from others.


(1) Appointment of the northern cape public service commissioner. (Anelle Gxoyiya, a close friend of Zamani). For protection purposes.

(2) Appointment of heads of departments.(They must all be aligned to Zamani and therefore sideline Deshi). In particular public works, Coghsta and health.

(3) Appointment of Solplaatje municipal manager. The advert to be allowed to expire in order to start a process which will make way for Mr V who is the husband of the MEC. Zamani does not want Matikas candidate Mr M because he feels Matika will be too powerful.

(4) Consolidate all infrastructure projects to public works so that Zamani can have absolute control.

(5) Moratorium on all government positions so that Zamani can have access on who gets appointed. Currently all posts must go through provincial treasury and the premiers office.

(6) Appointment of district director of public works Pixley ka Seme. Zamani already gave mandate to the panel that Carter gets appointed whilst the man does not have senior manager experience.

(7) MEC’s must get permission from Zamani on all procurements within their departments.

(8) Appointment of the provincial commissioner of SAPS Norther cape. The candidate of Zamani is now over 60 years of age and he is now trying to deploy him at Safety so that he can have access.

(9) The development pattern of the province have now shifted to Pixley, ZFM and Namakwa. Look at how dirty is Kimberley and the state of roads in the capital city.

The capture of the Northern Cape is very clear for everyone to see and therefore it is the responsibility for all loving Northern Cape people to stand up against this capture.

Che Guevara once said: the revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.

Zamani must be defeated with all his lies, insults, populism and arrogance.

The time is now, ixhesha lifikile.

Zet Kwinana is an EFF MP and he writes in his personal capacity.