Step Up SA

Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa

Nightclub Bonanza Bookings as MEC’s Wife Pushes for More Business, Amid Poor Standards

The Department of Education in Free State is yet again, in the spotlight, not with irregular appointments, not nepotism linked to the MEC Makgoe but how MEC’s wife sends texts reprimanding officials.

Sources who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal say that the Department of Education officials are booked at Bophelong that is built on the premises of Partuma Nightclub owned by MEC Makgoe.

It is further alleged the standard of the guesthouse is in a bad condition to the extent that officials had to use washing baskets to bathe.

“The rooms were full of bugs, filthy, locks broken, guests sharing toilets and no disinfectants nor sanitizers and food served very late.”

Another source shared a text purported to have been from the MEC’s wife to Sharmaine Dunn, an official at DoE after she allegedly transported officials from Partuma Nightclub to other guests-houses.

“Sharmaine Dunn called the Nightclub and complained about the deplorable conditions and removed officials who were booked into Partuma Nightclub to other guesthouses only to be reprimanded per text by the MEC’s wife herself.

She had to transport various officials to other guesthouses including La Splendid very late at night.”

In a text allegedly from MEC’s wife purported to take a swipe at Sharmaine Dunn, she is confirming the allegation.

“Good morning

Please inform Me Donn(Dunn) that Bophelong is a black established entity less than two years in operation and for us to reach the standard of La Splendid, we need support from the government, if the government continues to support us we will have rooms that fit their level and that of la Splendid.

Tell her that accommodation is cheaper than side cause it made both comfort and value for money for those who cannot afford it and my take is that at the moment the government is working on cost containment measures so I don’t see why the government officials will want luxurious accommodation knowing government does not have funds.

In conclusion the text reads, “Lastly tell the lady that in shared bathroom there was a person dedicated to sanitize bathrooms after every single person have used it just like in the airport where shared showers are used by public but highest standards adhered to, to avoid cross infections. Amazing VIP use this facilities in the airport”

The MEC’s wife is actively involved in the running and ownership of Partuma Nightclub.

What is disturbing is the fact that she is completely ignorant that it is an offense to do business with the government when you are a government official because she works at Mangaung Metro.

She sees no problem doing business with her husband’s department or the MEC himself sees nothing wrong with using money allocated to the department that he oversees for his benefit instead of service delivery.

Officials also allege that MEC Makgoe has suddenly become a champion of black business and in one of his meetings with selected officials even made a call to them to use Partuma Nightclub alleging that it belongs to his daughter.

His daughter is working for Metsimaholo Municipality and this also stops her from doing business with the government because she is employed by the state.

Another source from the Finance department alleges Candy Smith the owner of Unlimited Travel Agency, actively calls officials if they book elsewhere and advises officials that the Office of the MEC insists that they book at Partuma Nightclub.

Officials are therefore forced to take their events/workshops to Partuma Nightclub even if they never intended to hold them in Parys.

It is further understood that departmental officials in SYRAC (responsible official: Mr. Matsaneng –Inclusive Education (responsible official – Bukelwa Qwelane, National Schools Nutrition Programme (responsible official – Sharmaine Dunn) and National Teachers Awards – Mrs. Millie Smith, were booked with their officials into Partuma and other departmental events.

The above list is not exhaustive but these are the most senior managers who should be held responsible to provide evidence if any inquiry will be instituted.

It is widely argued that this is because he needed money owed to Patuma Nightclub.

He has a conflict of interest and it is a big breach of the Executive Code of Ethics. The MEC is also alleged to have called officials and personally rebuked them for not using Partuma Nightclub.

The Nightclub is located in an industrial area before you enter Tumahole township and it is probably not even rezoned for a B&B by the municipality. A text in possession of this publication

 Step Up SA News has it in good authority that Unlimited Travel Agency owes South African Revenue Services (SARS), and is also non-compliant with officials at DoE alleging that MEC Tate Makgoe reprimands them for not paying Unlimited Travel Agency on time.

Howard Ndaba, spokesperson for Free State Education did not respond to our questions while Candy Smith referred this publication to the DoE.

This is a developing story.

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