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Mbeki blasts ANC over potholes in Mangaung, lies and cult politics

During his three days visit in Free State that was aimed at assisting the Interim Provincial Committee (IPC) held in Bloemfontein since Thursday, with renewal and rebuilding, former President Thabo Mbeki took aim at comrades who pronounce their preferred candidates ahead of the National Conference over services. 

This as Bizana Ngezi, chairperson of Free State Association of Ex-Political Detainees raised concerns with comrades imposing their preferred candidates instead of engaging. 

‘It is in this province where the issues of buying of membership was started and perfected now it’s a national problem. Buying membership cards so people can go to conference. People are buying membership cards. Comrade chair, we are here saying people are divided. They are factions and all those. 

I don’t think we are putting it correctly. People that we see here fighting are in one faction. These are the people who were singing the same hymn, what they fought for maybe they will tell us. Now they turned themselves into another splinter group.” 

Ngezi went further, “I attended January 8 program last week in Welkom and what I saw there was very disgusting. All the people there were saying re batla Ramaphosa second term, re batla Dukwana as provincial chair re batla mang mang. Why are not given a chance to say who do we want?”

In response former President Mbeki said in December he sent out a message to number of comrades, senior comrades. 

“In December I sent out a message to senior comrades to say to them this year that in 2022 there are people going to make a strong proposal.

I heard one of the colleagues say that he went to a meeting in Matjhabeng and people were saying second term for comrade [President Cyril] Ramaphosa, provincial chairperson should be Mxolisi Dukwana. I was saying that’s a trap,” Mbeki said.

“The reason it’s a trap is because if we take that route then we will be preoccupied with this question, ‘who is supporting me?’ and canvass and completely forget about this urgent national task, preoccupied with this question, ‘I want to be a leader’. Time consuming, absorbing all your energy. In the meantime we are talking about all these national challenges.”

Mbeki also took issue with those, including ANC Limpopo chairperson Stan Mathabatha, who called for Ramaphosa to secure a second term as president.

“I don’t know if people heard what I was saying because you still hear these voices, even at the January 8 rally in Limpopo, somebody stands up in a meeting and says, ‘long live second term for President Cyril Ramaphosa’, what is that?” he said.

The ANC has to “behave itself” and solve the problems confronting the party instead of focusing on leadership contestations.

“The ordinary masses of the people are not interested in who is president of the ANC but they are interested in an ANC which takes care of the matter of service delivery, takes care of that road in Mangaung which is a road of potholes.

“So we can’t have the leadership of the ANC which allows itself to be misled. We are in February, why should people be campaigning for positions in February? Instead of attending to the matters that are important for the nation,” he said.

While all of these leadership pronouncements played themselves out, the country was sinking deeper into a crisis.

“We have got a country in deep crisis. The economy is in deep trouble and has been in deep trouble for many years, that’s why you see these continuously increasing numbers of unemployment,” Mbeki said.

With regards to questions asked by Deon Leeuw, ANC activist about cult leadership and lies former President Mbeki said. 

“These questions that are raised are legitimate, cult of personality, habit of telling of lies and clear abuse of COSAS. 

ANC can’t tell COSAS we will give you support provided you tell us which faction you belong to.”
He concluded, “Surely the ANC must be against this cult of personality. There is absolutely no reason the ANC must be worshiping some people. 

Even this habit of telling lies, its very very directly related to the quality of our membership, as the quality of membership has declined over the years this problems pop up, people seeking to achieve particular objective by telling lies.”

Former President was talking about the filth and potholes in Mangaung while ANC leaders are fighting each other. 

Excelsior resident Nthabiseng Patronella Radiboke shared a horrid picture of potholes in R709 while Bloem Dj, Lemmy Mohono also shared a picture of a damaged rim caused by potholes in Thaba Nchu.

Free State motorists complain daily about the state of roads that costs them thousands on repairs while Unathi Sonwabile Henana shares state of dirt in Mangaung on his Facebook page.

Oupa Khoabane, IPC spokeperson said. 
“The ANC Free State working to ensure that it rids its structures of cult politics. Such a situation erodes organizational systems and undermines the constitution. 

The IPC is planning for Lekhotla to craft a program for improvement service delivery. The IPC believes that Renewal program must position the ANC branch to be the leader of community life and thus champion the the struggles of community against lack of services.

That Renewal program must ensure that rebuilding of structures capacitate them  to be able to have programs and active. During election of leadership processes have to be followed and structures dealing with disputes must have capacity.”

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