Pressure is mounting on the Free State Premier, Sefora Ntombela as an explanation is expected on how would her ally, Advocate Tumelo Phahlo could have known about applicantions for the vacant Head of Department sent to her office as per advert published in DPSA.
This as Advocate Tumelo Phahlo, acting HOD is allegedly charging three chief directors and director at the Free State Department of Social Development with at least three out of four, according to sources applicants competing for the vacant position Phahlo is acting.
Background: Following the move of former HoD, Mokone Nthongoa to the office of the Premier in September 2020, the Free State Premier Sefora Ntombela appointed Tumelo Phahlo to act as HoD in October 2020. He has been acting since then to date.
His C.V on the social development website among others lists:
As the head of the Department of Social Development, he has introduced noticeable changes, provided strategic direction and leadership, and also placed the department on the path of self-reengineering.
He has also strengthened working relations with all stakeholders and social partners.
As a seasoned public servant, he is strong in stabilizing the administration, creating workplace peace, and consulting with all relevant role players.
While the above cannot be disputed Step UP SA News has over the past 7 months reported:
How Social Development spent R500 000 on 20 laptops to the shock of the audit committee on the 3rd December 2020, only to spend R800 000 on 46 laptops a month later in January 2021.
Two directors of the same position and AGSA’s findings of irregular appointments.
Step Up SA News has also reported on how the acting HoD is not pursuing employees alleged to have benefitted from the R2.3m meant for EPWP.
News reaching Step UP SA News is following the advertised vacant position at Social Development where Advocate Tumelo Phahlo, acting HOD has decided to conveniently charge three employees who have applied citing the abovementioned R2.3m scandal which sources ask why now when this matter dates to 2020.
A source with intimate knowledge confirmed.
“Yes it’s true four employees are facing charges and much as we do not have issues as employees but why is Phahlo charging them now? We can see he is trying to create cloud around their credibility and eliminate competition. It’s rather sad that he is doing this to women when the Premier, Sefora Ntombela said all four vacant positions will be filled by women.”
This relates to a story we published in September 2021, in which the Premier while addressing women during the provincial health department’s celebration of women in the health sector said that all vacant HOD positions will be filled by women capacity or not.
The four female employees who are facing charges are:
Chief Director: Makgotso Motsemme – facing 3 charges,
Chief Director: Bessie Kgasane – charges unknown at this state
Chief Director: Winkie Direko – charges unknown at this state
Director: Dithuso Monare – facing 5 charges
Out of the four, only Winkie Direko did not apply.
Another source at Social Development said that this comprises Premier Ntombela as she has to explain how did Phahlo know who applied when applications are sent to her office.
“This is compromising Premier because it can never be a coincident that Phahlo charges employees who are competing with him. We know he is very close to the Premier because her daughter-in-law is also acting at the behest of Phahlo and she must explain how did Phahlo know who applied?”
He continued, “This is an abuse of power of the highest proportion. It will be interesting to see what African National Congress Women’s League (ANCWL) will say when their deputy chairperson allows women to be marginalized.”
The HOD position pays around R1.9m per annum and may the best man win.
Sello Pietersen, Spokerperson to the Premier said.
“The discipline in various departments remain in the purview of the accounting officer and executive authority, the latter being the appeal authority in the department as recourse, where necessary.”
Adv Tumelo Phahlo, acting HoD at Social Development did not respond to our questions at the time of publication.
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