Following several articles showing the rot at Centlec SOC and the easily accessed information on Southern African Legal Information Institute (SAFLII) that shared a damning judgment by Judge Daffue that set side and declared a security tender Centec awarded to Ignite Security constitutionally invalid on the 3rd December 2021, Centlec is now on the offensive to block anyone keen on exposing the rot.
Questions were sent to Centlec SOC for this judgment and other matters including allegations made public by the former Premier and now suspended secretary-general of ANC, Ace Magashule that head of the presidency, Sibongile Besani benefitted from Centlec to the tune of R38 million. Centlec quickly refuted this claim, question is, why did they not take Magashule to court or at least release a statement?
Step UP SA News has learned that Centlec has suspended Amelia Makara on Wednesday, 9th February 2021 and is due to issue Seipati Setai with a notice to suspend on suspicion of leaking information to media.
A source with intimate knowledge said Centlec CEO, Malefane Sekoboto is on a witch-hunt.
“The empire is naked and instead of clean governance, he is busy purging staff. He is on a witch-hunt and it is not going to work because sources could be anyone from the board, management and downwards. Malefane must not be a dictator.”
Another source laughed at the move to silence disgruntled staff when there is prima facie evidence against the board and management.
“They go for easy picks when there is prima facie evidence against Kenosi Moroka, Board Chair, Malefane Sekoboto, CEO and Company Secretary, Thabo Malgas. This clearly means that they are untouchable.
Why has the board not suspended the CEO for his role in the former CFO saga and the Defensor Security judgment? Why has the board not said anything about the businessman with links to the company secretary getting business with Centlec?”
This relates to the story that was published on Tuesday, 15h February 2021.
Members of the community raided Centlec offices on Tuesday, 8th February 2022 following allegations of corruption, nepotism at the power utility and power cuts.
Yesterday, Wednesday 16th February 2021, residents of most areas in Mangaung complained about power cuts.
An attempt to silence this publication was made following an article we published regarding salaries not paid, Centlec reported this publication to Ombudsman but failed to point out one aspect of Step Up SA News’ inaccuracy not to mention their refusal to put their version on record through right of reply.
What was interesting is Central Media also ran the story few hours after Step UP SA News broke the story but again they went for what they thought was weak and can easily be intimidated.
Instead of responding to our questions they release a vague media statement throwing a shade.
It’s not the first time efforts are put to silence this publication, Free State Provincial Treasury acting HOD tried and failed when we wrote about the PPE scandal. Public office require accountability.
Lele Mamatu, Centlec spokesperson did not respond to our questions while Amelia Makara could not be reached for a comment.
If you have any news or tips please send us an email
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