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Court sends Dukwana packing

Dukwana has been sent to start packing, it is evident that the court challenge brought by African National Congress (ANC) MPL Thandiwe Reachable was successful.

Step UP SA News has it on good authority that Reachable challenged the swearing of Interim Provincial Committee (IPC) convener Mxolisi Dukwana as Member of Parliament following the resignation of Mojalefa Patrick Buti who sources alleged he was promised the mayorship of Matjhabeng Municipality but he has since lost the job to matric-less Thanduxolo Khalipa whom the ANC defended by saying that he has experience.

In papers filed with the court she maintained she was supposed to be sworn in and read the Electoral Act.

“We submit respectfully that the purported submission and acceptance of the second list by the legislature and/or the speaker is contrary to the provisions of item 21 read with item 22 of Schedule 1A of the Electoral Act.”

Reachable maintained that according to the law, she was supposed to have been sworn in as an MPL instead of Dukwana.

According to reliable sources within the IPC the court ruled in her favor on Friday and her lawyers have since written to Dukwana instructing him to resign with immediate effect.

A source close to the IPC said Dukwana compromised his objective when he became Member of Executive Council serving at the pleasure of Free State Premier Sisi Ntombela.

Another source who spoke on condition on anonymity said the IPC is full of people who have their interest ahead of the organization.

“In Vrede the wife of Msebenzi Zwane was elected speaker and the wife of Makhosini Msibi is the mayor for Thabo Mofutsanyane and both these guys are in the NEC and IPC respectively.

In Tswelopele the mayor is Kenalemang Phukuntsi and in Matjhabeng the mayor is Thandoxolo Khalipa. Both of them are in the IPC.”

When asked for comment Reachable said “For now, I don’t have a comment”.

Oupa Khoabane, IPC spokesperson had not responded to our question at time of publishing.