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Favoritism at work

While the Free State Department of Education is aiming to retain the number 1 spot in matric results, the past few months have been nothing but disastrous for the department from violence with pupils stabbing each other to the alleged purging of former CFO Dr. JEM Sekolanyane and discovery of irregular appointments which caused an uproar within.

Following our article headlined heist at Free State Education new details have emerged.

Step Up SA News has it on good authority that at least few people have lodged grievances concerning various questionable appointments made in the past few months.

Among those, is the appointment made by MEC Makgoe in September 2021 in which Ms. Zoleka Msibi was handed a 3-year contract for a position that was vacant but never advertised.

According to a reliable source the acting DDG Human Resources and Infrastructure, Mr. Bob Tladi was instrumental in her recruitment as they worked together at Motheo FET
Msibi worked for Deparment of Education as Assistant Director before she was seconded with Tladi to Motheo FET College where she was appointed CFO before she was charged for fraud, and resigned when facing a disciplinary hearing.

She is now in the middle of a dispute as she is alleged to have been appointed irregularly.

It is also alleged Tebello Molloyi who according to sources joined the Department of Education on transfer as a secretary from the Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation has been appointed to a position she did not qualify for as Assistant Director Supply Chain.

Sources say she applied for a logistics position but just like Manthatisi Phoka, her proximity with MEC Makgoe secured her the position. It remains to be seen if she is qualified for Supply Chain.

Its becoming crystal clear that both MEC Makgoe and acting DDG Tladi are on a mission scratch each others back via appointment of their cronies.

Phoka who is on salary level 7 but earning level 10 salary was also allegedly brought by Makgoe who moved Mr. Ramoeletsi from Human Resources to IT following his displeasure of appointing Phoka without the correct procedure, a move sources say infuriated Makgoe.

According to a source Makgoe confronted Ramoeletsi and said.

“O batla ho hira motho enwa kapa ke mohire?”(Do you want to hire this person or must I hire her?)”

That was the last appointment Ramoeketsi did before he was moved from Human Resources to Information Technology.

Step Up SA News reported the DDG for Corporate Services Fanie Sithole was moved suspiciously to Districts and Curriculum and his position was filled by Bob Tladi who sources say is an “enabler” of Tate Makgoe’s planned “looting” as he is now in charge of Infrastructure and Human Resources.

Since Tladi took over from Sithole he has thus far made three key interesting appointments in Supply Chain Management a move seen as capturing the purse to appoint companies that will help Makgoe’s bid to become the Premier when the African National Congress(ANC) goes to the provincial conference next year and Tladi is alleged to be the campaign manager.

Education spokesperson, Howard Ndaba and HOD, Adv Tsoarelo Malakoane did not respond to questions.

Step Up SA News, reached out to Bob Tladi who said we must please follow protocol, which he was allegedly unable to follow when appointing people.

This is a developing story.