Step Up SA

Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa

Premier Sefora Ntombela opens refurbished clinic in Heidedal

The office of the premier together with the Free State Department of Health gathered to celebrate the opening of Opkoms clinic in Heidedal.

The event was supposed to start at 10:00 AM, started 3 hours later because the Premier; Me Sefora Ntombela believed that she was not going to address an “empty crowd” while the people of Heidedal believed that they were not going to celebrate an existing clinic.

This project cost the Department of Health R10 Million to finish, and the MEC of Health; Me Montsheng Tsiu confirmed that this is the beginning of a new era for all clinics, as the plan of the Department is to renovate most clinics since most of the facilities were inherited from apartheid, moreover they are small and not user friendly, she furthermore explained that the plan is refurbish almost all clinics in the province to make certain that they are user friendly, ensuring that the youth are comfortable whenever they need to consult, without being intimidated by elders.

“This is also a plan to fight teenage pregnancy because then youth will be able to voice out their frustrations with people they feel comfortable with.” The MEC said.

The Premier couldn’t contain her happiness because this project has been in the pipeline for a very long time, and this according to her, shows that the government is here for the people. She explained that the health workers that worked at the clinic were determined and sacrificed their lives as they worked under serious substandard conditions.

“This goes to show that the workers that worked here have a true calling of being nurses and are not here for the money, because of the renovation we will be hiring more nurses and cleaners” Me Sefora Ntombela said.

On 26 September 2021, Step Up SA News issued that the clinic in Brandfort burned down on the 8th of August 2019, and to this day there are no developments, when the MEC was approached on this matter she committed that the project will be in the pipeline soon.

To this day Free State holds the number 7 spot, when it comes to people vaccinating against COVID-19 in the country according to cummunilative summary as at 17h00 on 28 October 2021 on

The Premier told Step Up SA News that, behind all the leaders there is “someone” looking after the province because last year the province was considered as a hotspot, and she is still wondering, what happened.

The Premier and the MEC of Department of Health, wishes all the matriculates the best of luck with their exams. “it was not easy, but you made it this far. I am proud because I know, that they are going to make it” Premier Sisi Ntombela said.

On Friday, the Premier will welcome President Ramaphosa in Sasolburg as they open a centre for the old.