Step Up SA

Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa


Following our article last week headlined “FORMER EDUCATION CFO DRAGS MEC FOR PURGING” new details have emerge.

Step Up SA news has established at least 2 people whose contracts were linked to the office of the MEC Tate Makgoe have been moved to other offices permanently and their new positions had not been advertised as required.

Jabu Khumalo who served as a parliamentary officer is now in the communication’s sector as ”Deputy Director”. This is a position which sources say he is not qualified for.

Another move is of Thandi Nibe, who sources say is related to the MEC’s wife, she has been moved from the MEC’s office to a Supply Chain position which was also not advertised. It’s not clear if she’s qualified or not.

In other shocking revelations, Manthatisi Phoka who joined the Department of Education Communications team from the Health Department is on level 7 but earns a salary of level 10. Sources say she was brought by MEC and their proximity is securing the bag for her.

Step Up Sa News reported the Deputy Director General for Corporate Services; Fanie Sithole was moved suspiciously to Districts and Curriculum and his position was filled by Bob Tladi who sources say is an “enabler” of Tate Makgoe’s planned “looting” as he is now in charge of Infrastructure and Human Resources.

Since Tladi took over from Sithole he made two interesting appointments, Supply Chain Director; Comeback Legegeru and Deputy Director Budget; Zoleka Msibi who both worked with Tladi at district level.

Msibi according to sources was interviewed for a position at the district and did not make it but miraculously got the job she was not interviewed for allegedly due to her relationship with Tladi.

Makgoe’s involvement with interns
Its alleged Makgoe held a meeting with interns, in October 2019 after concerns over lack of absobtion into the Education Department, where he told interns his department can survive without them and those who were unhappy can leave.

A source close to interns said last year Makgoe was interviewing interns.

“For years Mr Kubeka was in charge of interns but in 2020 the MEC was interviewing interns. He is in charge of everything.”

Education spokesperson, Howard Ndaba did not respond to questions.

This is a developing story