The Free State Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation reportedly splurged R1 000 000,00 on the unveiling of the Fezile Dabi statue.
The event was held in Parys, hosted by the Premier of the province Me Sefora Ntombela and MEC of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation Me Limakatso Mahasa. A memorial lecture was held on Thursday and the unveiling of the statue followed on Friday.
Step Up Sa News crew attended the unveiling and witnessed, how the service provider struggled to mount the statue and left it on the floor to the shock of onlookers.
It remains a mystery why the statue was not mounted a few weeks or at least days before unveiling.
Few weeks ago Step Up SA News reported how dysfunctional SACR is. We have it on good authority that the department did not put out a tender for unveiling as required. Instead Mahasa hand picked and gave the name of the service provider called Ginyameko Trading and projects to Supply Chain Director, Mr Lazarus Masisi.
A source who spoke on condition on anonymity said that a company director known to this publication approached Mr Masisi in an effort to bid for the job, but he was allegedly told by Masisi: “the MEC has given me a mandate”.
Step Up Sa News has established Ginyameko Trading and Projects was given a commitment letter, instead of a standard purchase order and both acting CFO Mahlape Ntipe and acting HOD Kutlwano Tlhakudi refused to sign it off as they were not comfortable.
It remains to be seen if Ginyameko Trading and Projects will be paid and if any action will be taken against perpetrators.
Few days before the unveiling the community of Parys voiced out their anger to Mahasa on social media pointing out how the department continues to fail the youth and artists.
There will be another unveiling of the Albertina Sisulu statue on 23 October 2021 and we wonder how much will this unveil cost.
Ginyameko Trading and Projects could not be reached for comment.
SACR spokesperson, Tankiso Zola did not respond to our questions.
This is a developing story.
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