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Double reshuffle set for Free State Provincial Government 

NEWS JUST IN: Following a series of marathon meetings by African National Congress(ANC) deployment subcommittee and government employees, the axe is finally falling on MECs seen as Magashule allies.

With Interim Provincial Committee(IPC) convener Mxolisi Dukwana sworn in on Tuesday after Member of Parliament Mojalefa Buti resigned who sources say he was promised Executive Mayor position in Matjhabeng in exchange of his seat for Dukwana, the Free State Premier is reported to make another reshuffle next week after making changes today as follows:
MEC for COGTA: Mxolisi Dukwana replacing Thembeni Nxangisa, MEC for Agriculture: Thembeni Nxangisa replacing William Bulwane,MEC for Roads and Police: William Bulwane replacing Sam Mashinini,The following remained unchanged: MEC for Public Works: Tshidi Koloi,MEC for DESTEA: Makalo Mohale,MEC for Education: Tate Makgoe,MEC for Social Development: Mamiki Qabathe.

This will be followed by another reshuffle later in October when other IPC members have been sworn in to replace the following:

MEC for Finance: Gadija Brown, MEC for Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation: Limakatso Mahasa, MEC for Health: Montseng Margaret Ts’Iu,MEC for Agriculture: Thembeni Nxangisa who has just been over to Agriculture will be kicked out completely.
Knives have always been out for Nxangisa as he was allegedly suspected of being the mastermind behind Manganung Shutdown.Mxolisi Dukwana has admitted during his testimony at State Capture Inquiry that he accepted R10,000 from Rajesh Gupta in 2014, two years after he was axed from the provincial executive.Dukwana claimed he was called to a meeting with Gupta at the family’s Oakbay offices in Sandton in January 2014 and attended out of “curiosity”. There, he was handed R10,000 to compensate him for his travel expenses which he accepted – he had driven from Welkom to Johannesburg and back to attend the meeting.

According to another source in ANC circles, legislature Speaker Ntombizanele Sifuba and Chip Whip Vusi Tshabalala will also be reshuffled in October. 
It remains to be seen if new blood will be given opportunities to lead or the old will be recycled.A youth leader who spoke on condition of anonymity said this is gerontocracy.

“This gerontocracy at its best, government of the old, by the old, for the old and which leads to greedocracy government. Government of the greedy, by the greedy for the greedy.”
“They are reshuffling Gadija Brown and Limakatso Mahasa both under 45 but they skill keep Tate Makgoe and Mamiki Qabathe what a joke,” he concluded.Former MEC and IPC spokesperson, Oupa Khoabane told Step Up Sa News on Sunday “the ANC can only advice, it’s the Premier that takes decisions of exco”.Asked about the famous #Mochapalong slogan Khoabane said. 
“The ANC does not have any policy called Motjhapalong. We believe in affirming young people by giving them responsibilities as part of ensuring that the organization and its policies resonates well with changing conditions in society. The ANC does that to direct the path society takes in its motion.We have not quantified the exact proportion of young people in our candidates list. Young people comprise a sizable number of candidates in our lists which is higher than in previous elections.”

This is a developing story