The office of the premier together with the Free State Department of Health gathered...
Month: October 2021
Following President Ramaphosa’s lockdown upliftment, where the country has been moved to lockdown level...
Kenyan scholar Professor PLO Lumumba once said. “In Africa, the shortest route to ilgotten...
While the Free State Department of Social Development is embarking on feedback sessions, questions...
Following our article last week headlined “FORMER EDUCATION CFO DRAGS MEC FOR PURGING” new...
The Free State Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation reportedly splurged R1 000...
The chairperson of the African National Congress (ANC) Provincial List Committee(PLC) and MEC of...
While the focus is on the renaming of Brandfort which saw postponements first on...
The African National Congress(ANC) in Free State has suspended its Chief Chip and Magashule...
Brandfort residents have given the Free State provincial government 20 days to respond to...