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ANC in Free State imploding

Staff reporter

Welkom – The African National Congress (ANC) in Free State is in disarray.

This glaring picture of implosion is painted by the report titled State Of The Organisation.

The 2023 conference winners who were ridding on “renewal and unity” card, have failed to deal with infighting among its top brass and opting to rather postponed PEC meeting.

According to the report in possession of this publication the PEC resolved to postpone its meetings.

“The PEC in its meeting of the 16th – 17th September 2024, resolved to suspend its ordinary meetings to deal with issues of relationship amongst the leadership so that when future meetings of the PEC are convened, there is benevolence even on complex issues which at times create unnecessary tensions”

The report further states the tensions were caused by weaknesses around political management.

“Simmering tensions amongst PEC members based on weaknesses around political management of our decisions and personality dynamics.

This decision was helpful because the hegemony of the leadership was threatened which could have resulted into leadership failures to executive the Constitutional mandate of the PEC. “


According the ANC, the Umkhonto Wesizwe Party and ACT are insignificant and concerned about the Democratic Alliance (DA) having increased its market share by 4% in the province.

“The liberals in the form of the DA, are constantly showing some patterns of growth which is a matter that requires serious attention.”


“A weakness that also exist within branches in the province generally is that, the non-racial character of the ANC is missing even in affluent areas where we have structures but the composition of the membership, let alone the leadership which is not reflective of representation from various racial groups and this is indeed an indictment to us because we have now turned the ANC into a pure African organization which compromises its non-racial character. This is an issue that would be addressed by the Programme of Action that has been adopted by the PEC.”


“The mandates of the majority of Branches in the province lapsed in November 2024 with the exception of 7 Branches that went to their BBGMs and renewed their mandates in 2023.“


“Recently, during COSATU Provincial Congress the Provincial Chairperson of the ANC was denied a chance to address the congress and the leadership of the ANC was ridiculed. A strong worded message was directed to the ANC that it had sold out as a result of its relationship with the DA when we formed a Government of National Unity.“


After the disposal of his matter in Court, Cde. Khalipha reported “the outcome of his Court Judgement to the PSO, which was subsequently reported to the PWC who on the strength of the provisions of the Step Aside Rule which is not prescriptive to a member`s participation after the Court process has been finalized, agreed for his resumption of organizational responsibilities assigned to him, but await a directive from Luthuli House in as far as his responsibilities as an Executive Mayor is concerned for this matter was escalated to the NEC.“

The PEC honest assessment also highlight what Polediso”50 000 Jobs For Youth” Motsoeneneng said in the video that went viral.

“Allegations of Leaders using money to buy branches which result into dysfunctionality of branches.”

The National Working Committee will decide if the PEC will. E disbanded and or reconfigured or the status quo will remain.

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