Johannesburg – A month before a two-year celebration of existence since the establishment of STEPUPSANEWS, the digital publication clocked 1 million hits with 26 000 unique visitors.
In the past 6 months, the publication clocked 2.4 million hits from 77930 visitors with 55 000 being unique visitors.
In February the publication clocked 447 000 hits.
The gender split is 65% male while 35% is female.
True to our founding statement, STEP UP SA has been established as an online investigative media company across Southern Africa. Our digital business model is based on holding the government to account for public funds and reporting on corruption, maladministration, and lack of service delivery across all spheres of government.
With limited resources at our disposal we believe we are slowly but surely getting our niche right.
The month of May will go down in history for the publication as we achieved a fit we never even envisaged but it shows our fearless approach is starting to pay off as we took an editorial decision not to publish media statements as articles.
We would not have achieved this without our important stakeholders, the sources who time and time again come through for us not forgetting the readers who also share our articles.
The past two years have been nothing short of threats from State Security being unleashed to being sued.
What will always stand out is death threats after we published court judgments but they have since died down, we reported the threats to the Hawks in Pretoria as we do not take them lightly.
Apart from the government, we reported on NPA, Hawks, and Auditor General because they are not beyond reproach and we will continue to do so Inshaallah.
In the coming days, we will publish more damning stories about the EXCO meeting which was held on Wednesday, Health, Police Roads and Transport, Human Settlement, DESTEA, Treasury, and sexual harassment case in one of the hospitals involving a union leader.
In other news Thembeni Nxangisa has just suffered a double reshuffle after being recalled as MEC for Agriculture in March, he received another marching orders yesterday as Chief Whip.
Below is a screenshot purported to be what led to his axing.

Let’s step it UP.
If you have news or tips please email news@stepupsanews.co.za or WhatsApp0685000246
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