Step Up SA

Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa


As I pen this piece there is a power outage penetrating some areas of Qwaqwa. What is the truth behind this problem?


We are sitting on a time bomb. The electricity problem in Qwaqwa will lead to unbridgeable cleavages and ultimately to a vortex of mass violence. Failing to face the truth and hurling insults only deepens this cleavage, incites hatred, and has the net effect of increasing levels of tension leading to violence. The current leaders of the municipal council are vilified and a vicious propaganda campaign is launched to besmirch them in the eyes of the people. Lies are told.

TRUTH BE TOLD: I said it in 2011 and I say it again.

“A study was made in 2001/2002 that Qwaqwa would need a new power substation in the next 10 years as the low capacity would lead to future power outages. Municipality included a new power substation in 2002/2003 IDP. Through the Rural Strategy Integrated Development Plan funds were sourced for the project. European Union agreed to give the municipality a grant of R50 million to build a new station at Tseseng. Eskom offered to build a world-class power substation and was prepared to be re-reimbursed after EU allocation. The offer was turned down by the external political influencers through the municipality leadership.

The grant came, without following proper supply chain management channels, the BEE Company was appointed to build the substation. This fong kong power substation has to date not been officially opened.

In 2007 November, former President Thabo Mbeki instituted an investigation by SIU to probe this power substation.

In 2009/2010 the Auditor General pointed out that they still await the outcome of the investigation. A year after a year this matter is still raised by AG as outstanding.

The same company which built the Fong Kong substation was irregularly appointed for revenue management. The problem started.

Myself Moeketsi Paola Lebesa, Mababane Tsotetsi of the PAC, Mahlomola Majake of the ANC (as he was then), and now EFF and Paratlane Motloung of the ANC (as he was then) now MAP16 vehemently rejected and opposed this. Four of us were targeted.

One Friday night, our home’s electricity was cut off illegally. I say illegally because cutting someone’s electricity or water on a weekend is illegal.

I say illegal because cutting someone’s service for the non-payment of a collateral service is illegal. (There are CC rulings on this).

Today, those ANC councilors are in the opposition.


Nobody will solve this problem unless :

  1. We build a new power substation and deal with the Tsheseng issue.
  2. Install ground-mounted transformers.
  3. Introduce a shift system in the electricity department (the current overtime system is corruptly abused at the expense of the residents)
  4. Abolish the tender system and hire qualified electricians who will work shifts (the current system is also corrupt and allegations of sabotage have surfaced)
  5. Those who stole vending stations’ money are followed and made to pay back.
  6. Councillors and municipal officials owning vending stations are dealt with in terms of the code of conduct
  7. Lastly .. All households are normalized and purchase electricity.
  8. Strict by-laws: criminalize bridging of electricity meters.
  9. Bylaws: No reconnection until a full disclosure of the person who bridged is done.
  10. Indigent system should be regulatory – you get what you deserve.

This is what we consider doing to rectify this 👆🏽mess.

Let us approach the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and find the answers!!!! Molato ha o bole.

Moeketsi Lebesa is a leader of Dikwankwetla Party of South Africa and writes in his personal capacity.