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Cutting Edge News, Real Stories From South Africa

Tired of complaining, Mangaung residents take up arms

Following series of articles in relation to how dirty the potholed Mangaung Metro is, residents of Mangaung who are mainly black complained about the state of graveyards mainly because as black people we sometimes receive instructions from our ancestors to perform certain rituals which need us to visit the graveyards, sometimes we visit our ancestors and spend time with them.

This had become a problem and heavy rains didn’t make matters any better, the more it rained the more the grass or plants grew, it came to a point where people couldn’t locate their families’ graves and it was rather frustrating.

Nothing was being done and a group of individuals took it upon themselves and started a cleaning campaign led by Stan Molosiua. The group is made of a few unemployed individuals, and they started with the cleaning of Mangengenene cemetery and will pass to Southpark and Heidedal as soon as they are done.

It is rather a good initiative and good to see residents of Mangaung taking a stand for things that truly matter to them

These heroes have no source of income and as a community that can do so much together only if we united, can start by supporting them through food and drinks so that as they are busy making sure that where our loved ones are resting is clean, they also have something in the stomach to keep them going.

Molosioa can be contacted via his Facebook to organize drop off or take it to them at the graveyards.

Last year Motheo FM partnered with Bon Hotel to clean Mangaung while Pellisier residents have been cleaning the area for years.

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