Following an article we published on Friday, 20 August 2021, regarding a failure by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture to appoint a security company in two years, there is more.
Step Up SA News can confirm that MEC of Sport, Arts and Culture Limakatso Mahasa is embroiled in a court case with supply chain head Takalani Ramabula after the MEC moved him from SCM to Heritage allegedly unlawfully.
Ramabulana was transferred from Education to Sport, Arts and Culture with Lebo Sebeela going the opposite direction following the appointment of HODs by former Premier Ace Magashule in 2017.
Magashule said at the time: “Advocate Tsoarelo Malakoane has been appointed Head of Department: Education. Advocate Malakoane was formerly the HOD for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation. Mr Stanley Malope has been appointed Head of Department: Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation. Mr Malope was formerly the HOD for Education.”
According to sources, Ramabulana’s troubles started when he investigated contracts within Sport, Arts and Culture and Mahasa reported him to Magashule, who moved him to Treasury only for him to be transferred back to Sport, Arts and Culture a few months later after complaints from Treasury.
Another source close to Ramabulana confirmed that he’s taking the MEC to court.
“He has been moved to a different directorate (Heritage) and he has no idea what’s happening there and he is not qualified for that directorate. The plan is to frustrate him because he is redundant. He is taking MEC to court,” the source said.
Another source from SCM confirmed the move. “Yes Taki was moved last year and Masisi has been acting since, but he wants out,” the other source said.
Asked why Masisi wants out, our source said: “The MEC is making him approve wrong things and who will be trouble with Hawks? Him?,” the source asked.
Asked about the court challenge, Ramabulana said: “That matter is still under review, so for now l am unable to divulge any information until the matter is heard and attended by the relevant authorities.”
Last week we reported how the department has struggled to appoint a security company in two years and one company has been on a month-to-month contract since 2019.
Last month the department received a backlash for an events tender, which according to the document bidders must be registered with SAACI & EXCA and on top of that bidders must have between R200 000 and R400 000.
A supply chain expert, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the department must at least ask bidders to be either a member of SAAICA or EXCA. “It’s really unfair to expect emerging companies to affiliate to both institutions when they serve the same purpose, one is enough. I hope it’s not to limit bidders,” the expert said.
Responding to the R200 000 bidders must have she said: “It is not fair for SMMEs.”
Further investigation revealed that the department has had an acting HOD since last year after Stanley Malope left for Free State Training and Development Institute. Kutlwano Tlhakudi has been acting since as HOD while Mahlape Ntipe is acting CFO.
A source within creative space blamed the MEC. “The MEC is clueless. She does not know what she is doing. Forget about HOD and CFO acting, we also have two chief directors (Sport and Recreation and Corporate Services) acting, a director of human resources is acting, a director of libraries and archives services is also acting and of course supply chain has an acting director because she decided move to Ramabulana. These acting mess and opportunities for looting.”
Step Up SA News team has discovered that chief director: corporates services in which Tankiso Zola is acting is not part of the department’s organogram.
Mahasa’s office manager had not responded to questions sent by Step Up SA News.
This is a developing story
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