The Auditor-General of South Africa has found that the appointment of senior managers from the Free State Social Development was irregular.
Step Up SA News has it on good authority that AGSA found that Mr Thomas Tladi as Director – Children and Mr Linda Maphalala as Director – NPO were appointed irregularly.
For context’s sake, in 2020, Mr Maphalala and his wife Portia Malgas were appointed Director – NPO and Assistant Director – Children.
In a reply to STEP UP SA NEWS’ inquiry, the Social Development said: “The appointment of Mr Maphalala was done in terms of Regulation 60 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 for a period of 12 months. Mme Portia Malgas was appointed under an Early Childhood Development conditional grant for a period of three years. They were both appointed to address critical strategic and operational challenges, owing to their respective experience of the sector”.
A year later, Mr Maphalala was promoted to Chief Director Specialist Social Services despite the country being on lockdown.
In relation to Mr Denise Ntombela’s appointment as Director Strategic Planning without the post being advertised after his deployment as Chief Of Staff to MEC Butana Komphela ended in 2019, the Social Department said: “Mr Denise Ntombela was not absorbed into the post of Director: Strategic Planning. Mr Ntombela was appointed on a fixed term contract, as Director: Monitoring and Evaluation, for a period of 12 months”.
According to Social Development Audit Committee minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd December 2020 was recorded as Director – Strategic Planning not Monitoring and Evaluation as Social Development said.
STEP UP SA NEWS discovered that the only position, which was advertised was Director Strategic Management and Mr Tumelo Ntsane applied and got appointed.
Another source who spoke to Step Up Sa News on condition of anonymity this is just the tip of iceberg “If you look at these appointments most of these people worked Premier while she was our MEC and it can’t be a coincidence that suddenly they are all coming back. Even her daughter-in-law left Social Development came back as a Director and now Acting Chief Director IT”.
With regards to the role of NPO division another source said “This is where corruption happen with impunity, politicians register NPOs and money is channelled to these foundations”.
Sources with intimate knowledge say these appointments are linked to Premier Sisi Ntombela though Social Development was quick to dismiss that.
AGSA is yet to respond to STEP UP SA NEWS questions.
This is a developing story.
It is even sad to learn how current MEC fiddles with hiring of entry level staff by ensuring that her cronnies are in the forefront of appointing clerks. Ordinary citizens do not have hope for employment in government as they’re reserved of their own people.
We are vindicated. The hands of the current Premier are not clean on the majority of cases of corruption in the department
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There are a lot of irregularities that one can highlight from the Department of Social Development
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